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Various Artists
Not on View
portfolio of two screenprints and eight lithographs
Gift of Joan and David Maxwell
Various Artists (artist)
John Baldessari (artist) American, 1931 - 2020
Cecily Brown (artist) British, born 1969
Frank Gehry (artist) American, born Canada, 1929
Jasper Johns (artist) American, born 1930
Ellsworth Kelly (artist) American, 1923 - 2015
Elizabeth Murray (artist) American, 1940 - 2007
Robert Rauschenberg (artist) American, 1925 - 2008
Susan Rothenberg (artist) American, 1945 - 2020
Ed Ruscha (artist) American, born 1937
Richard Serra (artist) American, 1938 - 2024
Gemini G.E.L. (publisher)
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Joan and David Maxwell, Washington, D.C.; acquired 2005 by the National Gallery of Art