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    Gifts and Donors

    2021 Annual Report

    The support of the federal government and private sector enables the National Gallery to fulfill its mission to serve the nation by welcoming all people to explore and experience art, creativity, and our shared humanity. While the federal government provides an annual appropriation for the National Gallery’s operation and maintenance, works of art in the collection, the two buildings, and the sculpture garden are made possible through private gifts, as are numerous educational and scholarly programs. The National Gallery extends its gratitude to both the federal government and the many generous donors listed here, who made gifts during fiscal year 2021. These private contributions have allowed the National Gallery to enhance its art collections, build its library holdings, present special exhibitions, undertake conservation and research, offer comprehensive educational initiatives, and pursue scholarly endeavors. Thanks to the ongoing commitment of its supporters and the federal government, the National Gallery continues to serve the American people.

    Mellon Challenge Endowment Grant

    The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded the National Gallery of Art a grant of $30 million in endowment funds, to be matched by $45 million in new gifts from other donors. The National Gallery is deeply grateful to those who have contributed endowment gifts, both large and small, toward the Mellon challenge grant. This historic initiative reinforces the National Gallery’s leadership role as the nation’s art museum. The financial support of the donors listed here captures the spirit of generosity that created this museum for the nation and has allowed it to thrive for more than three-quarters of a century.


    Anonymous (3)

    Anonymous in honor of Sharon Rockefeller

    Lynn K. Altman †

    Adrienne Arsht

    Ann M. Askew

    Aileen Athy

    Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Beinecke

    Mr. William S. Beinecke †

    Marguerite H. Benson

    John and Louise Bryson

    Vincent and Linda Buonanno

    Russell and Anne Byers

    Mrs. William Cafritz (Buffy) †

    Mrs. Aldus H. Chapin †

    A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation

    Thomas † and Robin Clarke

    Paula Cooper and Jack Macrae

    Grega and Leo A. Daly III Endowment Fund

    The Dillon Fund

    Patricia A. Donovan

    Louisa C. Duemling

    Clarence and Anne Dillon Dunwalke Trust

    Mr. and Mrs. Merritt P. Dyke

    Robert & Mercedes Eichholz Foundation

    Marjorie and Anthony Elson

    Sarah G. Epstein

    Greg and Candy Fazakerley

    Jean Taylor Federico

    Sarajane Foster

    Norma Lee and Morton Funger

    Jo Ann and Julian Ganz, Jr.

    Susan and Whitney Ganz

    Professor Joseph L. Gastwirth

    Bernard and Sarah † Gewirz

    Martha Gil-Montero and Joseph A. Page

    David and Lorna Gladstone Foundation

    Lenore S. and Bernard A. Greenberg Fund

    Hakuta Family

    The Frederic C. Hamilton Family Foundation

    Dr. John C. Harbert †

    The Heinz Family Foundation

    Dennis Henley and Nora Shea

    William Logan Hopkins †

    John K. Hoskinson and Ana I. Fábregas

    Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr.

    Gail and Benjamin Jacobs

    Pamela Jenkinson

    Mr. James A. Johnson Jr. and Mr. Frank L. Spencer

    Mrs. Linda H. Kaufman

    Judith Keenan

    Thomas and Kathleen Koepsell

    Kyle and Sharon Krause Family Foundation

    Samuel H. Kress Foundation

    Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder

    Leonard A. Lauder

    Jacqueline Lawrence in memory of Leonard Silverstein

    Jacqueline and Marc Leland Foundation

    Reid and Ann MacDonald

    Mr. and Mrs. Jan W. Mares

    Jacqueline B. Mars

    Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mars

    Virginia Cretella Mars

    Mr. † and Mrs. James B. Martin

    Lynne Martin

    Susan McCabe †

    The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

    R. K. Mellon Family Foundation

    Katherine Mineka

    The Honorable Alfred H. Moses and Ms. Fern M. Schad

    George L. Ohrstrom Jr. Foundation

    Alan † and Marsha Paller

    Malcolm and Pamela † Peabody

    William and Karen Prezant

    Prince Charitable Trusts

    Mr. Robert C. Rea

    Lola C. Reinsch

    Sarah Beinecke Richardson and Craig Richardson in honor of Frederick Beinecke

    Toni A. Ritzenberg †

    Sharon Percy Rockefeller and John D. Rockefeller IV

    Mr. † and Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal

    The Honorable Secretary of Commerce and Ms. Hilary Geary Ross

    David M. Rubenstein

    Edmond J. Safra Foundation

    Victoria † and Roger Sant

    Denise and Andrew Saul

    Leonard and Elaine Silverstein †

    Hedrick Smith and Susan Zox-Smith

    Robert H. Smith Family Foundation

    Barbara Spangenberg

    The Sperry Fund

    Benjamin F. and Jane F. † Stapleton

    Elizabeth and George Stevens Jr.

    Eileen and Michael Tanner

    Eugene V. and Clare E. Thaw Charitable Trust

    Christiane and James Valone

    Christopher V. Walker

    Dr. and Mrs. Ken Walker

    Mrs. Mary Weinmann †

    Professor John Wilmerding


    The Collectors Committee of the National Gallery of Art

    The Collectors Committee serves a vital role in broadening the scope of the National Gallery’s modern collection. Committee members provide invaluable support with their annual gifts of $20,000, $40,000, and more for the acquisition of modern art.


    Denise Saul



    Howard and Roberta Ahmanson

    Anne T. and Robert M. Bass

    Brendan and Helen Bechtel

    Calvin and Jane L. Cafritz

    Constance R. Caplan

    Joseph M. Cohen

    Norma Lee and Morton Funger

    Nancy Gewirz

    Agnes Gund

    Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Gundlach

    Mrs. Frederic C. Hamilton

    The Kend Family Fund

    Susan and John Klein

    Robert and Arlene Kogod

    Jill H. Kramer

    Kyle and Sharon Krause

    Joan and David Maxwell

    Cassandra Mellon Milbury

    Mary V. Mochary

    Mary and John Pappajohn

    Prince Charitable Trusts

    Emily and Mitchell Rales

    Sharon and John D. Rockefeller IV

    Meredith and Brother Rutter

    Mr. Roger Sant and the Honorable Doris Matsui

    Louisa Stude Sarofim

    Denise and Andrew Saul

    Jon Shirley

    Roselyne Chroman Swig

    Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund

    The Exhibition Circle of the National Gallery of Art

    The National Gallery wishes to thank the members of the Exhibition Circle for their generous support at the level of $20,000 or more, which provides funding for special exhibitions each year.


    Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Beinecke

    Evelyn T. Brandt

    Carol and Landon Butler

    Jane R. Cafritz

    Louisa C. Duemling

    Irwin and Ginny Edlavitch

    Michael Klein and Joan Fabry

    Shannon Fairbanks

    Greg and Candy Fazakerley

    Ms. Denise Gwyn Ferguson

    The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund

    Dr. Margaret A. Goodman

    C. Boyden Gray

    Newman T. Halvorson Jr.

    Barbara and Amos Hostetter

    Ann and Mark Kington

    Betsy Scott Kleeblatt

    Robert and Arlene Kogod

    Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder

    Leonard and Judy Lauder Fund

    Thelma Z. Lenkin

    Larry and Dee Levinson

    Nan G. Lower

    Marlene A. Malek

    Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Marriott

    Virginia Cretella Mars

    Scott Nathan and Laura DeBonis

    Mary and John Pappajohn

    Prince Charitable Trusts

    Grace Ritzenberg

    Sharon and John D. Rockefeller IV

    Mrs. Marion Rosenthal

    Mr. Roger Sant and the Honorable Doris Matsui

    Tricia and Frank Saul

    Michelle Smith †

    Dr. Abigail Spangler

    Shannon and Bennett C. Stichman/Stichman Family Foundation

    Adele M. Thomas Charitable Foundation, Inc.

    Alan M. and Nathalie P. Voorhees Fund

    Diane B. Wilsey

    Donald and Barbara Zucker Family Foundation

    The Circle of the National Gallery of Art

    The National Gallery extends thanks to the members of the Circle for their generous annual gifts of $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, or $10,000 or more, which provide unrestricted funding for a range of activities throughout the Gallery.


    Betsy Scott Kleeblatt


    Patron Members ($10,000 and above)

    Anonymous (3)

    Terri and Tom Barry

    Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Besharov

    Marc H. and Vivian S. Brodsky

    Carter and Melissa Cafritz Charitable Trust

    Catto Charitable Foundation

    Ellen MacNeille Charles

    Judy and Richard Cohen

    Anne and Gus Edwards

    The Roger S. Firestone Foundation

    Nancy M. Folger

    Dr. Margaret A. Goodman

    Elizabeth Marsteller Gordon

    Mr. † and Mrs. Temple Grassi

    The Heinz Family Foundation

    Lynne and Joe Horning

    Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Jeffery III

    J. W. Kaempfer

    Lee G. Kirstein

    Judy and Peter Blum Kovler Foundation

    Barbara Langhorne

    Alexander M. and Judith W. † Laughlin

    LaSalle D. Leffall III

    The Lemon Foundation

    ELJ98 Charitable Trust, on behalf of Edward Lenkin and Roselin Atzwanger

    Richard and Ronay Menschel

    Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker

    Mrs. G. William Miller

    Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morris

    Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nicholson

    The Honorable and Mrs. William A. Nitze

    Dr. James D. Parker

    Jackie Peebles

    Ms. Patricia President

    Dr. and Mrs. Jerold J. Principato

    Jeanne W. Ruesch

    Ellen and Gerry Sigal

    Dr. and Mrs. Barry Strauch

    Emily and Frank Vogl

    Mallory and Diana Walker

    Frederica Wheeler and Charles E. Johnson

    Ken and Dorothy Woodcock

    Judy and Leo Zickler


    Sustaining Members ($5,000–$9,999)


    Jamie Baldinger

    Grace and Morton Bender

    Sylvia Blake

    Barbara Boggs

    Andrew Brown

    Elizabeth C. Burke

    Robin Rowan Clarke

    Andrea B. Currier

    Mr. and Mrs. Gary Davis

    Lisa and Porter Dawson

    Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dicke II

    Dr. Joseph P. DiGangi

    The William H. Donner Foundation

    Elizabeth W. Edgeworth

    Elinor K. Farquhar

    Keith Forman and Mary Morton

    Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Foster Jr.

    Gerard T. Gabrys

    Dale and Suzi Gallagher

    Elizabeth and Michael Galvin

    Professor Joseph L. Gastwirth

    Honorable Joseph and Alma Gildenhorn

    Martha Gil-Montero and Joseph A. Page

    Susan Sachs Goldman

    Mimi and Peter Haas Fund

    Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Havemeyer

    Kate Haw

    Patti and Mitchell D. Herman

    Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinds

    William A. Homan III

    Ms. Sherrill M. Houghton

    Mr. Clark F. Hoyt and Ms. Linda Kauss

    The Fannie and Stephen Kahn Charitable Foundation

    Jack and Betty Lou Ludwick

    Charlene C. and Tom F. Marsh

    Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. McKelvie

    Barbara McNamara

    Jim and Tracy Millar

    Iris and Larry Miller

    Joan and Dan Mulcahy

    Akemi Nishida and S. Paul Selavko

    Diane A. Nixon

    Melanie and Larry † Nussdorf

    Helen Porter and James T. Dyke

    Whayne and Ursula Quin

    Mrs. Thomas P. Roddy

    Molly and Rick Rolandi

    Roberta O. Roumel

    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rutherfoord Jr.

    Ms. Amy Sabrin and Mr. Evans Witt

    Mr. Constantin Sauvage

    Julie Schauer

    Jacquelyn and William Sheehan

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Shelleman Jr.

    David and Marcia Speck

    Benjamin F. and Jane F. Stapleton

    Eileen and Michael Tanner

    Virginia A. Weil

    Marvin F. Weissberg

    Professor John Wilmerding

    JM Zell Partners, LTD.


    Supporting Members ($2,500–$4,999)

    Anonymous (2)

    Tim and Jennifer Adams

    William and Sunny Alsup

    Ruth and Sam Alward

    Mr. and Mrs. Brian Anderson

    Joseph Asin and Beryl Gilmore

    Ann M. Askew

    Florence Auld and Frank C. Marshall

    Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell Barus

    Mr. and Mrs. James R. Beers

    Margaret R. Bennett

    Marguerite H. Benson

    Richard Ben-Veniste and Donna Marie Grell

    Ms. Dava Berkman

    Dr. and Mrs. David Bernanke

    Roberta Matthews Bernstein

    Afsaneh and Michael Beschloss

    Miss Elizabeth S. Bizic

    Mrs. Mary E. Bork

    Marshall and Anne Brachman

    Robert and Hilary Brandt

    Joan and Jack Bray

    Fleur S. Bresler

    Robert D. Broeksmit and Susan G. Bollendorf

    Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Browning

    Mr. † and Mrs. Wiley T. Buchanan III

    Frances Ann Bufalo

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Carr

    Kay Casstevens

    Ana and Paul Collins

    Warren and Claire Cox

    Dean and Margarita Dilley

    Edith R. Dixon

    Mr. and Mrs. Merritt P. Dyke

    Mr. † and Mrs. Edward L. Emes Jr.

    Mr. and Mrs. James Evans

    Tom and Tania Evans

    Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Farrell

    Dr. and Mrs. Oscar P. Fitzgerald

    Friends of Florence

    Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan Frost

    David L. Gardner, MD, and Pete Williams

    Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Gibby

    Thomas Gibian and Christina Grady

    Andrew and Eleanor Glass

    Nancy Glassman

    Elisa and Kenneth Glazer

    David Granite, MD, and Mary Lou Oster-Granite, PhD

    Henry Greenewalt

    Nicole Alfandre Halbreiner

    Mrs. Frederic C. Hamilton

    Robert and Deborah Hefferon

    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Henderson III

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Herman

    Ms. Maria C. Higgins

    Anne Marie and Bill Hinman

    Dori Holaday

    Beth and Larry Horowitz

    John K. Hoskinson and Ana I. Fábregas

    Mrs. Dirk C. Jecklin

    Carolyn Johnson

    Mrs. Ford Kalil

    Mrs. Cyrus Katzen

    Dr. and Mrs. Jay Katzen

    Margot Kelly †

    Thomas S. Kenan III

    Helen and David Kenney

    Robin and Carol King

    William and Ilze King

    Michael Kolakowski

    Mr. and Mrs. Jon Landau

    Jean and John Lange

    Burks B. Lapham

    Leon Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia

    Herb and Dianne Lerner

    Dr. and Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren

    Carol and Eugene Ludwig

    William and Barbara Lynch

    Sandra L. Mabry

    Dr. Michael Maccoby

    Wendy W. Makins

    John and Mary Lee Malcolm

    Mr. and Mrs. Toshi Masuoka

    Drs. Isaak and Deborah Mayergoyz

    Dr. Lucy McBride and Mr. Thad McBride

    Dennis K. McClellan and Steven E. Deggendorf

    Anne and Bill McDow

    Irma Jean and John F. McNelia

    Laurel and Robert Mendelsohn, MD

    Ms. Sabina Menschel and Mr. Edward Priestap

    Jane S. and James K. Mitchell

    Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Moravec

    Mr. and Mrs. Byrne Murphy

    Sharon and Michael Nemeroff

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Newlin

    Dane Nichols

    John and Leslie Oberdorfer

    Nancy Bradford Ordway

    Stanley and JoAnn Pearlman

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry

    Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Petitt

    Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pflieger Jr.

    Malcolm and Margaret Pfunder

    Mr. David C. Pierce

    Dr. and Mrs. Alan G. Pocinki

    Mrs. Susan Porter †

    Richard Price and Yung Chang

    Nancy Regan

    Diana Reuter-Twining

    Ms. Cary Ridder and Mr. David Alberswerth

    Douglas and Katherine Rigler

    James J. Sandman and Elizabeth D. Mullin

    Mr. Christopher M. Schroeder and Ms. Alexandra H. Coburn

    Ryan and Cindy Schwarz

    Ambassador Tod Sedgwick

    Judy and Jerry Shulman

    Elizabeth and John Siegel

    Sylvia and David Silver

    Mr. and Mrs. T. Eugene Smith

    Linda W. Sorkin

    Barbara Spangenberg and Nina Mast

    Mrs. Christine J. Steiner

    Robert Stockho and Dr. Veronika Jenke

    Elizabeth Pendelton Streicher

    Michele and Glenn Sutton

    Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Tagliabue

    Mrs. Lewis Raynham Townsend

    Emily and Antoine van Agtmael

    Victoria and Michael Vergason

    The Honorable Jenonne Walker

    Maria Elena Weissman

    Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Weitzel

    The Honorable E. Allan Wendt and Ms. Que D. Nguyen

    Charles C. and Helen Wilkes

    Dr. and Mrs. Jon Willen

    Elsa B. Williams

    Edwin and Kathe Williamson

    Vickie and Ken Wilson

    Ms. Diane Wood

    Mr. Steven J. Wunder and Mr. Rod Hastie

    Lenore G. Zinn


    Tower Project Members ($2,500 and above)


    Jamie Baldinger

    Helen Brown Bechtel

    Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Bernat

    Miss Elizabeth S. Bizic

    Martha Blalock and Christine L. Delucchi

    Mr. and Mrs. Jason Burnett

    Joan Danziger

    Dr. Joseph P. DiGangi

    Neil and Izette Folger

    Howard and Shirlee Friedenberg

    Mr. and Mrs. Carter Griffin

    Ms. Nancy Hirshbein and Mr. Robert Roche

    Kimberly Hoover and Lynn Hackney

    Mr. and Mrs. Russell Katz

    Dr. Sangeeta Kaushik and Dr. Timothy Bhattacharyya

    Bruce and Leslie Lane

    Gail A. Lione

    James A. and Marsha Perry Mateyka

    Ms. Sophia McCrocklin and Mr. William Isaacson

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monk

    Cheryl G. Numark

    Mary Margaret and Scott Plumridge

    Robert Rea

    Kathryn and Robert Stewart


    Contributing Members ($1,000–$2,499)

    Anonymous (9)

    Ms. Rebecca Phillips Abbott

    Ms. Ruth Abrahams

    Mr. and Mrs. Dana T. Ackerly II

    Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Aguilar

    Ross and Judy Ain

    Clement and Sandra Alpert Designated Endowment Fund

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson

    Ms. Bentley R. Andrews

    Judith Areen and Richard Cooper

    Linda L. Arret

    Hank and Joanne Asbill

    Allie and Ellen Ash

    Andrew Athy Jr.

    Miss Gillian Attfield

    Anne-Lise Auclair-Jones and Hal Jones

    Thayer and Kevin Baine

    D. James Baker and Emily Lind Baker

    Marion Scattergood Ballard

    Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baly III

    Mrs. Karen Barker

    Liz Barratt-Brown and Bos Dewey

    Mary and Ed Bartlett

    Edward and Susan Basile

    Mr. Brian Baughman and Ms. Suzanne Miller

    Dr. Frances F. L. Beatty and Mr. Allen R. Adler

    John and Priscilla Becker

    Donna and Burkey Belser

    Ellen and Bob Bennett

    Mr. and Mrs. J. Goodwin Bennett

    Elizabeth R. Benson

    Anne S. Bent

    The Honorable Kenneth E. Bentsen Jr. and Mrs. Bentsen

    Mrs. Peter Benziger

    Philip D. Berlin and Olivia P. Adler

    Richard D. Bernstein

    Elizabeth G. Berry

    Mark Betts and Shelley Slade

    Elaine and Richard Binder

    Richard and Suzanne Bissell

    Mr. and Mrs. James I. Black III

    Robert and Sofia Blake

    Mr. Paul Blue and Ms. Dianne Beal

    Dr. Helen E. Blumen and Mr. Jan P. Acton

    Countess Clarissa Bonde

    Kathy Borrus

    Blair and Josh Bourne

    Susan Boyd

    Mary Susan Bradshaw and Gerald B. Kauvar

    Charles and Maureen Brain

    Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brown

    Arlene Brown and Eugene Bialek

    Elizabeth and Ben Brown

    Mr. and Mrs. John G. Buchanan III

    Deborah and Jeremiah Buckley

    Susan Buffone

    Leslie Buhler and Robert Berendt

    Janet C. Bullinger

    Carolyn and Jamie Butler

    Susan L. and Dixon M. Butler

    Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Buxton

    William E. Cain and Barbara Harman

    The Honorable John Thiers Calkins

    Dorothy A. Canter

    Mr. Vincent Careatti and Mr. Richard Taylor

    Mrs. Keith Armistead Carr

    Major General and Mrs. George Cates

    Faya Causey

    Pat and Annah Cave

    Ms. Cynthia Chase

    Helen and Craig Chason

    Dr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Chester

    Ms. Tracy Church and Mr. Dominic Mancini

    Mr. Larry Clark

    D. Dale Clayton-Morrison and Kent R. Morrison

    Lindsay Kudner Coates

    Mr. and Mrs. Brad Coburn

    Robert M. Coffelt Jr.

    Bonnie and Louis Cohen/Rubenstein Charitable Foundation

    Colb Family

    Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Colburn

    Lucy and Brian Conboy

    Mr. and Mrs. Keith Conrad

    Hadley and Bill Cooper

    Dr. and Mrs. John Cooper

    Ms. Melissa Cornwell and Mr. Brad Christmann

    Jay and Margaret Costan

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craft

    Teresa Yancey Crane

    Ms. Nancy Crisman

    Clare Cushman and Amédée Prouvost

    Walter and Didi Cutler

    Ms. Jane T. Dana and Mr. David D. Aufhauser

    Philip and Sara Davis

    The Honorable Whitney Debevoise and Mrs. Debevoise

    Alexandra D. de Borchgrave

    Dr. Morgan D. Delaney and Osborne Phinizy Mackie

    The Charles Delmar Foundation

    Mrs. C. Douglas Dickerson

    Carole Dickert-Scherr and Jacob Scherr

    Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dill

    Allison and Robert DiNardo

    Ms. Phuong-Hoa Do and Mr. Robert Cole

    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorn

    John and Joanna Driggs

    Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Droppa

    Mr. and Mrs. Francois Drouin

    John and Elizabeth Dugan

    Mr. and Mrs. F. John Duncan Jr.

    Jennifer Duncan and Richard Bach

    Mr. Joseph C. Dunn and Mr. Gustavo A. Ruiz

    Ms. Raquel Dunning

    Virginia Dwan

    Becky and Alan Dye

    E & B Family Trust

    Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Eakin III

    Daniel and Marina Ein

    Marjorie and Anthony Elson

    Ms. Catherine B. Elwell

    Louise Engle

    Sarah C. Epstein and Joseph P. Junkin

    Richard and Sibyl Erdman

    Ms. John Esswein

    John and Elizabeth Ey

    Tere and Doug Ey

    Mrs. Rodney E. Eyster

    Ms. Elizabeth Farrell

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Farver

    Reed and Elizabeth Fawell

    Jean Taylor Federico

    Robert and Betsy Feinberg

    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fink

    Marjorie Finkelnburg

    Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Fischer

    Mr. and Mrs. William Fish

    Leslie and Tony Fitch

    Richard Flax, MD, and Katherine Alley, MD

    Ms. Gail S. Fleder

    Barbara G. Fleischman

    Col. C. Ray Flynn, USAF (retired), and James M. Shamberger

    Eleanor M. Forrer

    Ann H. Franke and Daniel J. Alpert

    Megan and Mark Frantz

    Dr. Catherine Blanton Freedberg

    Pam Davis Friedler

    Gay Friedmann

    Caroline D. Gabel

    Margaret and David Gardner

    William and Wendy Garner

    Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Gelman

    Stuart M. Gerson

    Steven B. and Katrina H. Gewirz

    Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Gibson

    Ms. Lise Gladstone

    Denise and Peter Glassman

    Mr. and Mrs. Ian Glenday

    Marilyn † and Michael Glosserman

    Pat Garcia Golding and Ken Golding

    Mary Anne Goley

    Jack Goodman and Laurie Effron

    Lucile M. and Jack B. Gordon

    Dr. Anita F. Gottlieb

    Ms. Mary Graham

    Mrs. Mary Granger

    Alexandra and John Graubert

    Dr. Brad Gray and Ms. Helen Darling

    Tom and Pam Green

    Monica Lind Greenberg

    William S. and Betty K. W. Greenberg

    Nelse L. Greenway

    Dee Ann Gretz

    George and Christina Griffin

    Mr. Cameron Griffith and Mr. McCain McMurray

    Elisabeth Griffith

    Mr. Vincent J. Griski and Mr. Cameron W. Knight

    Nina B. Griswold

    Patrick W. and Sheila Proby Gross

    Jill and Ridgway Hall

    Ms. Linnea Hamer

    James and Kristina Hamilton

    Ms. Kimberly Hancy

    Priscilla and Paul Hanley

    Mark and Anne Hansen Foundation

    John and Gail Harmon

    John C. and Ruth T. A. Harris

    Deborah Harsch and Mark Colley

    Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Hart

    Mr. and Mrs. Val Hawkins

    Ricki and Michael Helfer

    Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Hensley

    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Herman

    Anita G. Herrick

    Isabelle “Bea” Hessick

    Michelle and Peter High

    Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Hilyard

    Christian and Nora Hohenlohe

    James and Diana Holman

    Charles Horn and Jane Luxton

    James and Marilyn Horwood

    Sharon and Peter Hubley

    John Peters Irelan

    Mr. and Mrs. William A. James

    Mr. James A. Johnson Jr. and Mr. Frank L. Spencer

    Barbara J. Jones

    Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Jost

    Ruina W. Judd

    Mrs. Julius Kaplan

    S. Kann Sons Co. Foundation †

    Lynn and Taylor Keith

    Carol W. Kelley

    David and Anne Kendall

    Edward and Arleen H. Kessler

    Jim and Andrea Kiernan

    Paul Killian and Carole Goodson

    Ms. Diana King and Mr. Larry J. West

    Alex and Adria Kinnier

    Michael and Evelyn Kitay

    Mr. and Mrs. Brian Knutson

    Mr. and Mrs. James Koltes

    Starr Kopper

    Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Korengold

    Matt Korn and Cindy Miller

    Patricia and John Koskinen

    Stephen P. Koster, Esq.

    Audrey and Kenneth Kramer

    Mr. and Mrs. Kipp Kranbuhl

    Mel and Andrea Kraus

    Carl Kravitz and Elizabeth Werner

    Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Kuhnert

    David A. Lamdin

    Richard Landfield

    Ms. Dina R. Lassow

    Mrs. Bonnie Lautenberg

    Ms. Jacqueline L. Lawrence

    Virginia Lee

    Margaret Lenzner

    Ms. Marie Lerch and Mr. Jeff Kolb

    Leon Levy Foundation

    Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Levy

    Willee and H. Finlay Lewis

    Rob Liberatore and Debra Kraft

    Donald V. Lincoln

    Bill and Betty Livingston

    Janet and Wingate Lloyd

    Bonnie Loeb

    Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lofgren

    Joseph and Patricia Lonardo

    Ellen Loughran, PhD

    Michele Dandrea Lowell

    Tamera Luzzatto

    John and Susan Magill

    Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin

    Michele A. Manatt and Wolfram Anders

    Barbra R. Mann

    Mr. and Mrs. Jan W. Mares

    Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mars

    Jennifer L. Marshall and Neal H. Flieger

    Mr. and Mrs. I. Guyman Martin III

    Mr. and Mrs. Roman Martinez

    Mr. C. Raymond Marvin

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matheson

    The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation

    Roy and LeeAnn Matthews

    Tim and Jane Matz

    Jacquelyn G. Mayfield and Joseph B. Patuleia

    Michael and Hannah Mazer

    Edward and Tessa McBride

    James McBride

    Camilla McCaslin

    Mark McConnell and Leslie Delagran

    Cathy and Scot McCulloch

    Ms. Margaret McDonald and Mr. William Gruen

    John D. and Martha Benson McGrane

    Ms. Elizabeth McGrath

    The Honorable Roderick R. McKelvie and Ms. Claire M. McCarthy

    Donna C. and Thomas F. McLarty III

    Caroline and Hollis McLoughlin

    Amy and Marc Meadows

    Rona and Allan Mendelsohn

    David and Anne Menotti

    Catie Meyer

    Julie Middleton and Barry West

    Salma G. Mikhail, PhD

    Lt. Col. Dennis F. Miller (retired) and Judge C.O.C. Miller (retired)

    Dennis and Patricia Miller

    Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Miller

    Frederick W. and Linda K. Moncrief

    Wanda and Roger Monthey

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Moore Jr.

    David and Nancy Morgan

    Seymour and Pearl Moskowitz

    Diane Munro

    James J. and Susan D. Murphy

    Ms. Shaun Murphy and Mr. William McGreevey

    Catherine Murray

    Mr. Sylvester Murtaugh

    Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Myers

    Jane and Marc Nathanson

    Christine Neptune and Robert Brown

    Sherry and Louis Nevins

    William and Louisa Newlin

    Mr. and Mrs. Rob Nichols

    Dr. Sara Nieves-Grafals and Mr. Albert Getz

    Gail and Gary Nordheimer

    Ms. Evelina Norwinski

    Dr. and Mrs. Kaldun Nossuli

    Jeffrey Nuechterlein

    Giselle Larroque Obermeier and Stephen J. Obermeier

    Deedy Ogden

    Roger H. Ogden

    Sydney Olson

    Orentreich Family Foundation

    Caroline and John Osborne

    Mr. and Mrs. David M. Osnos

    Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Parker

    Gail Kern Paster

    Kathleen F. Patterson and Floyd L. Norton

    Alma and John Paty

    Judge and Mrs. Michael T. Paul

    Jonathan and Jill Pearlman

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pease

    Jean Perin

    Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux Phelps

    Pinnacle West

    Ms. Diane Pirkey and Mr. Darrel Grinstead

    Dr. and Mrs. David A. Pistenmaa

    Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Pitt

    Mr. and Mrs. R. Alan Plishker

    Ms. Annette Polan

    Ms. Jan Pomerantz and Mr. Everett H. Wilcox

    Olwen and Don Pongrace

    The Honorable Trevor Potter and Mr. Dana Scott Westring

    Mr. Jeffrey S. Powell

    Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Pratt

    Judy Lynn Prince †

    Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rackley

    Eden W. Rafshoon

    Ms. Amelia Ramer

    Nina and Bob Randolph

    Susan Rappaport

    Wanda Rappaport and George Mueller

    Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel Reaves

    Cynthia Redick and Robin Brent

    Thomas Reese

    Dorchester Towers and Apts., on Columbia Pike—Lola C. Reinsch

    Mr. and Mrs. R. Roland Reynolds

    Mrs. Lynn Rhomberg

    Robert and Madeleine Rix

    Gretchen and Michael Robbins

    Cara W. Robertson

    Dr. William W. Robertson Jr. and Karel Dierks Robertson

    Jane Washburn Robinson

    Michaela and Robert Robinson

    Ms. Katrina Roeckelein and Mr. Philip de Picciotto

    Linda and Richard Roeckelein

    Michael Rogan and Susan Schaffer

    Wynefred W. Rogerson

    Anne and John Rollins

    Eileen Dugan Romano

    Ms. Rochelle Rosenfeld and Mr. Jesse Arbogast

    Christy Halvorson Ross and Garth Ross

    Ms. Emily Ross

    Helen G. Ross

    Ms. Margaret Ross

    Lisa Adams/Jim Rowe

    David and Carolyn Ruben

    Anne and Henry Reich Family Foundation, Lee Rubenstein, Co-President

    David A. Sacks

    Louise Sagalyn

    Ann Satterthwaite

    Savitt Family Fund of Tides Foundation

    Mrs. Frances Way Schafer

    The Honorable Rhonda Schmidtlein and Mr. John Schmidtlein

    Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoenfeld

    Jill A. Schuker

    Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo M. Schultz

    Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Schwartz

    Cathryn Dickert Scoville and Thomas Scoville

    Professor R. Mark Scowcroft

    Joan Searby

    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Senkus

    Mary Shockey

    Irwin Shuman and Elaine O. Feidelman

    Nancy and Simon Sidamon-Eristoff

    Fanchon Silberstein

    John Silton and Betty Bullock

    Sally and John Simms

    J. L. H. Simonds

    Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Smith

    Hedrick Smith and Susan Zox-Smith

    Howard and Page Smith

    Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Smith

    Devereux and James Socas

    Mr. and Mrs. William C. Sonneborn

    Ms. Joanne M. Sten

    Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stettinius

    Elizabeth and George Stevens Jr.

    Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Stifel Jr.

    Linda Klieger Stillman

    Mary K. Stoufer

    Mr. and Mrs. David Straut

    Douglas Struck

    Amy and Peter Sturtevant

    Mr. and Mrs. John Sukenik

    Lila and Brendan Sullivan

    Nuzhat Sultan and Anil Revri

    Martin and Meredith Sumner

    Ms. Margery Anne Swanson and Mr. Charles G. Brown

    Ms. Laura Symcak and Ms. Joanne Mikula

    Ms. Barbara H. Szoradi

    Jake and Carrington Tarr

    Mr. Ragan S. Tate and Mr. Bobby P. Stone

    Ms. Paula Thiede

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thompson

    Mrs. Joy A. Thornton

    William R. and Norma K. Tiefel

    Jessica and Henry Townsend

    Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Travers

    William E. Trueheart and Carol A. Word

    Jennifer Urquhart and Elliott Jones

    Ms. Fran Usher

    Jane Stuart Vander Poel and Edoardo Lenzetti

    The Honorable Margaret E. G. Vanderhye and Robert A. Vanderhye

    Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Vaughn

    Robert P. Venuti

    Melanne and Philip Verveer

    Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Walker

    Bill and Irene Wallert

    Diane and Marty Wapner

    Ms. Charlotte C. Weber

    Joan † and Harry Weintrob

    Amy Weiss and Peter J. Kadzik

    Ms. Angela Caveness Weisskopf

    Georgia E. Welles

    Eileen Shields West

    Dorothy B. Wexler

    Dr. Brandy White and Dr. Anthony Malanoski

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitley

    Guenther O. Wilhelm

    Williams Family Foundation of Georgia, Inc.

    Betsy Williams and Tom Moore

    David and Page Winstead

    Ms. Maxanne Witkin

    Louisa Woodville and Nigel Ogilvie

    James and Anne Wright

    Richie and Jim Wright

    Robert and Linda Yahn

    Lois and Ira Young

    Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zelano

    Ms. Deborah Ziska

    The Legacy Circle

    Legacy Circle members are those who have decided to include the National Gallery in their estate plans through various means.


    Anonymous (40)

    The Adels Family

    Seena and Joseph Aisner, MD

    Dennis Alter

    Merribel S. Ayres

    Ann M. † and Thomas W. Barwick

    Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Beinecke

    Mr. L. Graeme Bell III

    Dava Berkman

    Philip D. Berlin and Olivia P. Adler

    Professor John Andrew Bernstein

    Robert Hunt Berry in memory of R. K. Mellon, Ormond E. Hunt, and Paul Mellon

    Thomas T. Bishop and Clifford L. Gregory

    The Honorable † and Mrs. William McCormick Blair Jr.

    Ambassador and Mrs. Donald Blinken in memory of Maurice H. Blinken

    Deirdre Bosley

    Jay Bowyer and Christopher Greer

    Andrew Brown

    Frances Ann Bufalo

    Vincent J. Buonanno

    Gilbert Butler

    Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell G. Byers Jr.

    Buffy and William Cafritz †

    John P. Cahill

    Norman and Carolyn K. Carr

    Kay L. Casstevens

    Faya Causey

    Chuck L. Chandler

    Bruce and Sharyn Charnas

    A. James Clark † and Alice B. Clark

    Thomas † and Robin Clarke

    Brenda B. Coakley

    Keith and Ann Conrad

    Ian † and Annette Cumming

    Ted Dalziel

    Joan Danziger

    Muriel G. Davidson †

    Roy † and Cecily Langdale Davis

    Shirley Ross Davis

    Virginia L. Dean

    Alexandra D. de Borchgrave

    Cristina Del Sesto

    Dr. Lois de Ménil and Dr. George de Ménil

    Mr. Harry DeMott and Dr. Samantha Aldred

    Marion F. Deshmukh

    Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dicke II

    Dr. J. Robert DiFulgo

    Dr. Joseph P. DiGangi

    Roger and Barbara Ditman

    Alessandra Manning Dolnier

    Patricia A. Donovan

    Robert W. † and Louisa C. Duemling

    Virginia Dwan

    Merritt P. Dyke

    Joan M. Eckert

    Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz

    Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Elliott

    The Epstein Family Collection

    Dr. K. Bolling Farmer

    Lee and Ann Fensterstock

    Andrew Fisher & Jeffry Weisman

    Aaron I. Fleischman

    Peter T. Foley

    Michael C. Forman and Jennifer S. Rice

    Douglas and Pamela Fowler

    Dr. Catherine Blanton Freedberg

    Barbara W. Freeman

    Howard and Shirlee Friedenberg

    Barry D. Friedman

    Maryann and Alvin † Friedman

    David Morgan Frost

    Morton and Norma Lee Funger

    Suzi Gallagher

    Jo Ann and Julian Ganz, Jr.

    William H. Gerdts † and Abigail Booth Gerdts

    Mr. † and Mrs. Carl S. Gewirz

    Kay Giddens Glenday

    Milly and Arne Glimcher

    Mary Anne Goley

    Dr. Margaret A. Goodman

    Cheryl O. Gorelick

    Joyce Z. Greenberg in memory of her husband, Jacob Greenberg

    Lenore and Bernard Greenberg

    Sarah Greenough

    Agnes Gund

    The Stephen Hahn Family Collection

    Denise Hale

    Harry W. Havemeyer

    Richard C. and Elizabeth A. Hedreen

    Deborah and Robert Hefferon

    Helen Lee Henderson †

    Dennis E. Henley and Nora L. Shea

    Judith F. Hernstadt

    Maria C. Higgins

    Jeffrey E. Horvitz

    Timothy and Suzanne Hyde

    Arthur C. G. Hyland

    Carol Nigro and Charles T. Isaacs

    Pamela Jenkinson

    Mr. James A. Johnson Jr.

    Paul M. Kanev

    Linda Lichtenberg Kaplan

    Betsy Karel

    Jak Katalan

    Gift of Kaufman Americana Foundation in honor of George M. † and Linda H. Kaufman

    Richard and Elaine Kaufman †

    Judith Keenan

    Thomas and Kathleen Koepsell

    Robert and Arlene Kogod

    Michael W. Kolakowski

    Christie Kramer and Charles Kirby

    Julie LaFave

    Stephen L. Lake

    Evelyn † and Leonard Lauder

    Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder

    Alexander M. and Judith W. † Laughlin

    Virginia Lee in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Chai-Chang Choi

    The Honorable and Mrs. Marc E. Leland

    Lynne R. Levin

    Simon and Bonnie Levin

    Donald V. Lincoln

    Robert † and Mary Looker

    Angela M. LoRé in memory of her parents, Charles and Alice LoRé

    Nan Gillies Lower

    Jack and Betty Lou Ludwick

    Susan and Peter MacGill

    Joan and David Maxwell

    Dennis K. McClellan and Steven E. Deggendorf

    McCain McMurray and Cameron Griffith

    Ellen McPeake

    Mr. Robert B. Menschel

    Julie Middleton

    Mr. Harvey Shipley Miller and Mr. J. Randall Plummer

    Kent and Marcia Minichiello

    Daniel Minnich and Ann Moser

    Diane L. Morris

    Ann Mosca

    The Honorable Alfred H. Moses and Fern M. Schad

    Robert B. and Tanni D. Newlin

    Jeffrey Hugh Newman

    Ann K. Richards Nitze

    Diane A. Nixon

    Geraldine E. Ostrove

    Stephen and Claudine Ostrow

    Mary and John Pappajohn

    David L. and Mary M. D. Parker

    Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Riggs Parker

    Dr. James D. Parker

    Elisa M. Patterson

    Ainslie and Keith Peoples

    Dewayne and Faith Perry

    Ivan E. and Winifred Phillips

    Judith D. Pomeranz

    Helen Porter and James T. Dyke

    Mrs. Susan Porter and The Honorable Stephen W. Porter †

    Richard and Jeanne Press

    Richard J. Price

    Judy Lynn Prince †

    Francis H. Rasmus

    Mary L. Regan

    Diane Rehm

    Paul Richard

    Mr. † and Mrs. George W. Riesz

    The Rizik Family

    Susan Roberts

    Mary and David † Robinson

    Andrew Robison

    Sharon Percy Rockefeller

    Felicia Warburg Rogan

    Diane Rosacker

    James Hassell Ross Jr.

    Trina and Lee G. Rubenstein

    William Rudolf

    Gwendolyn Russell

    Jeff Sackrider

    Irving † and Lucy Sandler

    Douglas Schaller

    Roger and Junell Scheeres

    Deanna J. Schupbach, PhD

    David P. Schuyler †

    Charles and Helen Schwab

    Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz

    Cathryn Dickert Scoville

    Deborah and Ed Shein

    Ruth and Hugh Sickel

    Gerald and Ellen Sigal

    John Silberman and Elliot Carlen

    Iris Silverman

    Albert † and Shirley Small

    Robert H. † and Clarice Smith

    Mary and Dan Solomon

    Richard Spear and Athena Tacha Spear

    Robert M. Stana and William T. † Judy Jr.

    James D. and Kathryn K. Steele

    Stephen G. Stein

    Robert Stockho

    Mrs. Walter J. Stoessel Jr.

    Donald D. Stone †

    Lou M. Stovall and Di B. Stovall

    Robert T. and Bonnie Sweet

    Christine Taylor and Lee Broughton

    Stanley and Barbara † Tempchin

    Ann Van Devanter Townsend and Lewis Raynham † Townsend

    Christiane and James Valone

    Daniel and Winifred van der Rijn

    Jack and Margrit Vanderryn

    André-François H. Villeneuve

    Dorothy and Herbert † Vogel

    Bettye S. Walker

    Ambassador Jenonne Walker

    Mallory and Diana Walker

    Mrs. Patricia A. Walters

    David Warnock

    Thomas and Mary Washington

    Noriko Watanabe

    Jane P. Watkins

    Mrs. Robert M. Weidenhammer †

    Angela Caveness Weisskopf

    The Honorable Allan Wendt and Que D. Nguyen

    Larry J. West and Diana King

    Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Whelihan

    Malcolm Wiener

    Professor John Wilmerding

    Christopher and Beverly With in memory of Karl and Gerda With

    Andrea Woodner

    Dian Woodner

    David F. Wright in memory of my good friend, John Taylor Arms IV

    Steven J. Wunder

    Judy and Leo Zickler

    Charles S. and Elynne B. Zucker


    † deceased