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Giovanni Vecchi (de)

Iohannes Vechis (de), Iohannes Vecchis (de), Vechis (de), Ioannes Vecchis (de), Giovanni Vecchio (de), Iohanne Vecchiis (de)

Role(s): Artist

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Selected Bibliography

Anonymous. "Vecchi, Giovanni (Liso) de' [Giovanni dal Borgo]." In The Dictionary of Art, edited by Jane Turner, vol. 32, 101–102. New York, 1996.

Baglione, Giovanni. Le vite de’ pittori, scultori et architetti. . . . 1642. Reprint, edited by Jacob Hess and Herwarth Röttgen. Vatican City, 1995.

Celio, Gaspare. Memoria delli nomi dell’artefici delle pitture che sono in alcune chiese, facciate, et palazzi di Roma. 1638. Facsimile edition. Milan, 1967.

Eitel Porter, Rhoda. "The Oratorio del SS. Crocifisso in Rome Revisited." Burlington Magazine 142 (2000): 613–623.

Freedberg, Sydney J. Painting in Italy, 1500–1600. Harmondsworth, 1971.

Heideman, Johanna. "A New Dating of De' Vecchi's 'Procession' Painting in Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome." Paragone, Arte, 39, no. 7, n.s. 455 (1988): 51–61.

Heideman, Johanna. "Giovanni De' Vecchi's Fresco Cycle and Its Commissioners in the Rosary Chapel in Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome." In The Power of Imagery: Essays on Rome, Italy and the Imagination, edited by Peter van Kessel, 149–162, 297–304. Sant'Oreste, 1993.

Heidemann, Johanna. "Saint Catherine of Siena's Life and Thought: A Fresco-cycle by Giovanni De' Vecchi in the Rosary Chapel of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome." Arte cristiana 77 (1989): 451–464.

Mancini, Giulio. Considerazioni sulla pittura. Edited by Adriana Marucchi and Luigi Salerno. Rome, 1956.

Partridge, Loren. "The Room of Maps at Caprarola, 1573–75." Art Bulletin 77 (1995): 413–444.

Pinelli, Antonio. "Pittura e controriforma: 'Convenienza' e misticismo in Giovanni de' Vecchi." Ricerche di storia dell’arte 6 (1977): 49–88.

Roli, Renato. "Giovanni de' Vecchi." Arte antica e moderna, 29, 31–32 (1965): 45–56, 324–334.

Thieme, Ulrich, and Felix Becker. Gesamtregister: Register zum Allgemeinen Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart und zum Allgemeinen Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts, s.v. "Vecchi, Giovanni de." Munich, 1996.

Tosini, Patrizia. "Opere dimenticate di Giovanni de Vecchi." Nuovi Studi 12 (2007–2008): 85–92.

Tosini, Patrizia. "Rivedendo Giovanni de' Vecchi: Nuovi dipinti, documenti e precisazioni." Storia dell’arte 82 (1994): 303–347.

Treffers, Bert. "Franciscus Redivivus: Angel Del Pas e la Cappella De' Vecchi in S. Pietro in Montorio." Antonianum 64 (1989): 518–539.