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lower right below plate mark in graphite: Jacques Villon; lower center in plate: Jacques Villon / 03; by later hand, lower left in graphite: [?]17

Marks and Labels

blindstamp shield with caduceus and letters C F [not in Lugt]


Lucien Goldschmidt, New York, as of 1970; Marjorie Kovler, Chicago; Elaine Briede, Chicago; (Christies, New York, 3 May 1999, no. 84, via David Tunick); purchased 1999 by NGA.

Associated Names


Exhibition History

Jacques Villon, A Collection of Graphic Work: 1896-1913 in Rare or Unique Impressions, Lucien Goldschmidt, Inc., New York, 1970.
The Unfinished Print, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 2001, proof 10, p. 80.


Auberty, Jacqueline and Charles Pérussaux. Jacques Villon: Catalogue de son oeuvre gravé. Paris: Paul Prouté, 1950.
Ginestet, Colette de and Catherine Pouillon. Jacques Villon: les estampes et les illustrations: catalogue raisonne. Paris: Arts et Metiers Graphiques, 1979.
Robison, Andrew. "Jacques Villon, Five Unique Artist's Proofs of La Parisienne" National Gallery of Art Bulletin 22 (1999): 16.
Brodie, Judith. "The Metamorphosis of Jacques Villon's 'La Parisienne'." In Peter Parshall et. al. The Unfinished Print. Exh. cat. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2001: 71-82.

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