Jules Porgès [1839-1921], Paris. Stefano Bardini [1836-1922], Florence. (Duveen Brothers, Inc.); inheritance from Estate of Peter A.B. Widener by gift through power of appointment of Joseph E. Widener, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, after purchase 1925 by funds of the estate; gift 1942 to NGA.
- 1942
- Works of Art from the Widener Collection. Foreword by David Finley and John Walker. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1942: 17.
- 1959
- Boger, Louise Ade. The Complete Guide to Furniture Styles. New York, 1959: 34, pl. 38.
- 1993
- González-Palacios, Alvar. In Jones, Mark and Mario Spagnol, eds. Sembrare e non essere. I Falsi nell’Arte e nella Civiltà. Exh. cat. British Museum. Milan, 1993: 260-261, repro. no. 212.
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