vertical along left edge printed in image: (EDS: This is an enlargement of a picture originally transmitted in two / different croppings as DN2 and DN5 of Nov. 22.) / (NY49—Dec. 2)—PICTURE AROUSES NEW INTEREST—This photograph made in / Dallas when President Kennedy was assassinated has aroused new interest / here and abroad because it seemed to show the accused assassin, Lee / Harvey Oswald (circled) standing at ground level behind the motorcade, at / the entrance to the Texas School Book Depository from which the shots / were fired from an upper story. Authorities said today the man in the / picture is not Oswald, but another employe [sic] of the Depository. (APWIRE- / photo) (s21930) 1963 (See AP wire story, Dallas dateline); on verso, by unknown hand, top right in graphite: 45a; upper center stamped in red ink on applied newspaper: TUE DEC 3-1963; upper center printed in black ink on applied newspaper: Was it... Oswald?... No, They Say / This photo of President Kennedy's assas- / sination aroused new interest in Dallas, / Tex., and abroad because it appeared to / show a man resembling Lee Harvey / Oswald (circled) standing behind the / motorcade at the time of the shoot- / ing. However, authorities said they es- / tablished that the man was not Oswald, / charged as the assassin and later slain, / but Bill Lovelady, another employee of / Texas School Book Depository Building. / -AP Wirephoto
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