on verso, upper center United Press Association copyright in black ink; center right illegible printing notes in black crayon; lower center printed in applied photo paper: UPI22103-12/21/56-MONTGOMERY, ALA: Mrs. Rosa Parks, 43, woman whose arres[t] / [1]2/1/55 touched off year-long bus boycott by Negro community here, ga [cut off] / [cut off] t of window from seat far forward in bus she boarded here 12/21 as [cut off] / [cut off] ott ends. Mrs. Parks [circled in red crayon] was arrested when she sat in bus forward of White / passengers. UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO.; lower center stamped in purple ink: DEC 22 1956; lower center printed in black ink on applied newspaper: SHE STARTED IT ALL -- Mrs. Rosa Parks, sits ahead [obscured] person in a / bus, now unsegregated in Montgomery, Ala., yesterday. The Negro bus boycott start- / ed a year ago after Mrs. Parks was arrested for sitting ahead of a white person on / a bus. Yesterday, as a result of a Supreme Court ruling, bus segregation ended.
Ross Kelbaugh, Marriottsville, MD; NGA purchase, 2023.
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