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along top edge printed in image: (FOR USE WITH STORY BY WILL GRIMSLEY FOR AMS OF SUNDAY, SEPT. 15) / (NY20-Sept. 10) KING OF THE RAQUETS--Arthur Ashe Jr., 25-year-old Negro Davis Cup ace, displays / some of the talent that swept him to the first U.S. Open Tennis Championship. He is today the / most electrifying personality in tennis--on the brink of becoming, if he isn't already, the best / player in the world, pro or amateur. (AP Wirephoto) (pr31457fls)1968; on verso, upper left printed in black ink on applied sticker perpendicular: abq 003; upper right stamped in purple ink: FEB 7 1993 [by unknown hand in red ink: /a]; by Ross Kelbaugh, upper right in black ink on applied sticker: AF216; center left printed in purple ink perpendicular: SEP 12 PM 6 34; center illegible printing notes in black crayon; by unknown hand, lower center in blue crayon: Arthur Ashe [circled] Jr / Tennis; bottom left printed in black ink on applied sticker perpendicular: zbm 1345


Ross Kelbaugh, Marriottsville, MD; NGA purchase, 2023.

Associated Names

Kelbaugh, Ross J.

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