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on verso, by unknown hand, vertical on left edge in black ink: William C. Darrah Coll.; from top to bottom and left to right printed in black ink: STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA OIL REGIONS. / Photographed by WEST & WADDELL, Bradford, Pa. /1 Bradford, from Harrisburg Hill, 1879-89. / 2 " " " / 3 " " " / 4 " from Water-Works Hill. / 5 " " " " / 6 " " " " / 7 " " " " / 8 " " " " / 9 " " " " / 10 " " St James' Hotel. 2 negatives. / 11 Firemen's Parade Bradford. 12 Congress Street, Bradford, west side. 2 negs. / 12 " " east " / 14 Main Street, Braford, corner of Pine. / 15 " " " " / 16 Grand Central Hotel. / 17 Main Street, from Congress to Public Square. / 18 " " showing Academy of Music. / 19 " " opposite " / 20 Citizen Hose House, Braford, Pa. / 21 Public Swuare, south side, Bradford, Pa. / 22 Riddell House, Bradford, Pa. / 23 Oil Exchange, / 24 General view of Tarport, looking North. 4 negs. / 25 " " " " / 26 " " " " / 27 " " " " / 28 Main Stret, Tarport, looking west / 29 " " showing Post-office. / 30 American House, Tarport. / 31 Main Street, Tarport, looking South. / 32 Fuller House, Tarport. / 33 Tuna Valley House, Tarport / 34 Main Street, Tarport, north side. / 35 " Applebee & Fisher's store. / 36 Railroad Street, Tarport. / 37 " " " showing cottages. / 38 Main Street, Tarport, south side. / 39 Pump Station, " / 40 " general view. 2 negatives / 41 " " / 42 Large Tank, east of Pump Station. / City of Tanks, east of Tarport. 2 negatives. / 44 " " " " / 45 State Line, showing Tanks. / Kendall and Eldred R.R. Views. / 46 Sawyer City. / 47 Trestle, east of Dallas City / 48 Little Boyd Trestle, Train going West. / 49 " " " East. / 50 " " " " / 51 " Showing Trestle and Valley. / 52 " Trestle. / 53 " " / 54 " Valley, from Deep Cut. / 55 " " " " / 56 Train in Cut, east of Little Boyd. / Deep Cut, east of Little Boyd, 4 negatives. / 58 " " " / 59 " " " / 60 " " " / 61 " showing Dallas and Big Boyd Valley / 62 " " " " " / 63 Big Boyd Trestle. / 64 " " showing Wells. / 65 " " near Summit. / 66 First Cure in the Road, west of Summit. / 67 Big Boyd Valley, from Summit. 2 negatives. / 68 " " " / 69 Train going West through Cut at Summit. / 70 Summit City, general view. 3 negatives. / 71 " " / 72 " " / 73 Summit Station / 74 " " showing Train. / 75 Rixford, from Summit. / 76 Marion Station. / 77 " " Train going East / 78 " City, general view. / 79 Baker Traestle, Train going West. / 80 " " " " / 81 Flowing Well. / 82 McKeoun Well, Rixford. / 83 General view of Rixford, looking North. / 84 " " " West. / 85 " " " North. / 86 Drilling Well. / 87 Main Street, Rixford. / 88 General view, ". / 89 Burning Tank at Rixford. 2 negatives. / 90 " " / 91 Ruins of Rixford. / 92 Main Street, Duke Centre. 6 natives. / 93 " " / 94 " " / 95 " " / 96 " " / 97 " " / O.B. & W.R.R. / 98 Derrick City. 2 negatives. / 99 " " / 100 Wells and Tanks between Derrick and Gilmore. / 101 Gilmore City. 2 negatives. / 102 " " / 103 Red Rock, showing Trestle. / 104 " looking East. 2 negatives. / 105 " " West. / 106 Burning Tank at Red Rock, / 107 First Restle east of Red Rock, / 108 Bell's Camp Trestle, Train going West. / 109 " " " East / 110 " " " " / 111 " " " " / 112 " " " " / 113 State Line. 2 negatives. / 114 " / 115 Knapp's Creek. 5 negatives. / 116 " / 117 " / 118 " / 119 " / 120 Big Bonanza Trestle. / 121 Two Mile Trestle. 2 negatives. / 122 " " showing Train.


William C. Darrah Collection. Janet Lehr, East Hampton, NY; Mary and Dan Solomon, Dana Point, CA; gift to NGA, 2024.

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Solomon, Dan and Mary

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