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Marks and Labels

Stamps on marbled interior front cover:

Crest with lion: AW / No. 7969

Bookplate with ornamental frame and vase etc: Gentilz ouuriers qui d’un foing curieux / Allez cherchant es plus vielles reliques / Venez icy & aux proffitz publiques / imitez-en les plus laborieux…. / I. BULLANT / EX LIBRIS H. DESTAILLEUR

Stamp with crest with ornamented letters, S R ?

Stamp with crest with cross: EX LIBRIS JOSEPG WIDENER


Hippolyte-Alexandre-Gabriel-Walter Destailleur, Paris (bookplate)

Exhibition History

Colorful Impressions: The Printmaking Revolution in Eighteenth-Century France, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2003-2004, no. 20, as La Danse russe (The Russian Dance).
Aquatint: From Its Origins to Goya, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2021 - 2022.


Cohen, Henri. Guide de l'amateur de livres a gravures de XVIIIe siecle. 6th edition revised and enlarged by Seymour de Ricci. Paris, 1912: col.626-627.
Colorful Impressions: The Printmaking Revolution in Eighteenth-Century France. Exh. cat. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2003-2004: no. 20.
Hoisington, Rena. Aquatint: From Its Origins to Goya. Washington, 2021: 49, fig. 2.

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