in block, on banderole at upper left: O herr Ihesu Christe in diner mude vnd / schwarem fallen . Hebe mich / vff von minen sunden allen . (O Lord Jesus Christ, in your weariness and painful fall, lift me up out of all my sins.); in block, on banderole at upper right: O herr dinen schwar wurd mit be / laden Hilff allen menschen mit deínen / gnaden das sie ir lyden gedultig tragen. (O Lord, your heavy load, that you have willingly borne, with which you were heavily burdened, help all people with your mercy that they may bear their sorrows patiently.)
[translations from Parshall, Peter, and Rainer Schoch. _Origins of European Printmaking: Fifteenth-Century Woodcuts and Their Public._ Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2005, p. 235.]
Weigel & Zestermann 217.1. Przibram, Vienna; (Weiss & Co., Munich); Martin Aufhäuser [1875-1944], Munich, Holland, and Los Angeles; [1] purchased 19 August 1939 by Lessing J. Rosenwald, Jenkintown, PA (L1760c and L1932d); gift to NGA, 1943.
Exhibition History
- 1965
- Fifteenth-Century Woodcuts and Metalcuts from the Collection of the National Gallery of Art, NGA, 1965-1966, no. 135, repro.
- 2005
- Origins of European Printmaking: Fifteenth-Century Woodcuts and Their Public, NGA and Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, 2005-2006, no. 68, repro.
- 1926
- Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Handbuch de Holz- und Metailschnitte des XV Jahrhunderts. 8 vols. Leipzig: Verlag Karl W. Hierseman, 1926-1930.
- 1965
- Field, Richard S. Fifteenth Century Woodcuts and Metalcuts from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.. Exh. cat. Washington: National Gallery of Art, 1965: no. 135.
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