Art market, Paris; purchased 1903 by the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin; sold 1935 to Bruno Kern, Vienna; by inheritance to his wife Lyubica (Ljubitza) Bogdan [1889-1955], and her son from her first marriage, Adalbert Wodianer [1912-1999].[1] (Wildenstein & Co., New York); purchased 1955 by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York;[2] gift 1957 to NGA.
[1] A translation of a letter from Leo Planiscig dated 28 April 1952 in the NGA curatorial object file states that Bruno Kern's "collection was inherited by his wife Wodianer and his son of his first marriage." However, Kern had no children of his own, while his wife's first marriage to Belá Wodianer de Maglód, which ended in in divorce, produced one son.
[1] A letter dated 8 February 1955 from Wildenstein & Co. to the Kress Foundation outlines the agreement for the sale of two paintings and a bronze figure (copy in NGA curatorial files). The bronze is described as a "winged candlestick figure" made by Francisco di Giorgio.
Exhibition History
- 1936
- Kleinkunst der italienischen frührenaissance, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 1936, no. 7.
- 1904
- Bode, Wilhelm von, and Hugo von Tschudi. Beschreibung der Bildwerke der Christlichen Epochen. 2 vols. Berlin, 1907: 2: Die Italienischen Bronzen: no. 236.
- 1907
- Schubring, Paul. Die Plastik Sienas im Quattrocento. Berlin, 1907: 240, fig. 143.
- 1929
- Planiscig, Leo. "Toskanische Plastiken des Quattrocento." Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien 3 (1929): 75, fig. 78, 77, as by Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1930
- Schubring, Paul. "Eine Maddalena von Francesco di Giorgio." Der Cicerone 22, n. 21/22: 551, fig. 4, as by Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1931
- Weinberger, Martin. "Leo Planiscig, Piccoli bronzi italiani del Rinascimento." Zeitschrift für Bildende Kunst 5/6 (August-September 1931): 54, as by Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1936
- Born, Wolfgang. "An Exhibition of Early Renaissance 'Kleinkunst' at Vienna." Burlington Magazine 69, n. 402 (September 1936): 136, as by Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1943
- Weller, Allen Stuart. Francesco di Giorgio 1439-1501. Chicago, 1943: 320, as by Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1956
- Paintings and Sculpture from the Kress Collection Acquired by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation 1951-56. Introduction by John Walker, text by William E. Suida and Fern Rusk Shapley. National Gallery of Art. Washington, 1956: 228, no. 91, repro., as Winged Figure with Cornucopia, as Attributed to Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1959
- Paintings and Sculpture from the Samuel H. Kress Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1959: 423, repro., as Winged Figure with Cornucopia, as Attributed to Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1965
- Pope-Hennessy, John W. Renaissance Bronzes from the Samuel H. Kress Collection: Reliefs, Plaquettes, Statuettes, Utensils and Mortars. London, 1965: no. 495, as by Vecchietta.
- 1965
- Summary Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1965: 156, as Attributed to Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1968
- National Gallery of Art. European Paintings and Sculpture, Illustrations. Washington, 1968: 138, repro., as Attributed to Francesco di Giorgio.
- 1975
- Salmann, Georges. "Sienne au XVe Siecle." Connaissance des Arts n. 281 (July 1975): not paginated; fig. 3,
- 1979
- Ciardi Duprè, Maria Grazia. "I bronzetti toscani del Quattrocento." Antichità Viva 18, n. 2 (March-April 1979): fig. 8, 34, as by Vecchietta.
- 1983
- Wilson, Carolyn C. Renaissance Small Bronze Sculpture and Associated Decorative Arts at the National Gallery of Art. Washington, 1983: 25, as by Vecchietta.
- 1984
- Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rev. ed. New York, 1984: 629, no. 978, repro., as by Vecchietta.
- 1994
- Sculpture: An Illustrated Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1994: 226, repro., as by Vecchietta.
- 2001
- Luchs, Alison. "The 'Winged Woman Holding a Torch': a Donatellesque Bronze from Quattrocento Tuscany." In Small Bronzes in the Renaissance. Studies in the History of Art 62, Symposium Papers 39 (2001): 15-31, figs. 1-3, 10-11, 20.
- 2008
- Bacchi, Andrea and Luciana Giacomelli, eds Rinascimento e passione per l'antico: Andrea Riccio e il suo tempo. Exh. cat. Castello di Buonconsiglio. Trento, 2008: 78, as Winged Female Figure with a Cornucopia by Vecchietta.
- 2022
- Rowley, Neville. Donatello Berlinese. Rome, 2022: 53-54, 77, 134, 156, repro. pl. 73 and pl. 115, as by a collaborator of Vecchietta.
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