Exhibition History
- 1974
- NGA Recent Acquisitions 1974, no. 118.
- 1949
- Hollstein, F.W.H. et al. German engravings, etchings and woodcuts ca. 1400-1700. 8 vols. Amsterdam: Menno Hertzberger, 1954-1868. Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts, ca. 1450-1700. Vols. I-XV, XVIII, XIX. Amsterdam: Menno Hertzberge
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- Livre de Paissage
- 1971.63.1
- Title Page
- 1971.63.1.1
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.10
- 'Spaernwouder' or 'Amsterdamsche Poort' at Haarlem
- 1971.63.1.100
- Water-mill Left of Ruins
- 1971.63.1.101
- Frozen River with Skaters
- 1971.63.1.102
- Title
- 1971.63.1.103
- Draw-well among Trees
- 1971.63.1.104
- Ponte Sisto and the Tiber in Rome
- 1971.63.1.105
- Winter Landscape with Skaters
- 1971.63.1.106
- Two Cows on a Ferry near a Bastion
- 1971.63.1.107
- Sheep on a Ferry near a Square Tower and Village-Gate
- 1971.63.1.108
- View of a Valley
- 1971.63.1.109
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.11
- Landscape with Tower of 'Het Huis te Kleef'
- 1971.63.1.110
- The Ford
- 1971.63.1.111
- Ruins of the Thermae of Caracalla
- 1971.63.1.112
- Market Day in a Town
- 1971.63.1.113
- Tower on the River Niers
- 1971.63.1.114
- Winter Landscape
- 1971.63.1.115
- Landscape with Hunters and Hay-Carts
- 1971.63.1.116
- A Little Chapel by a Pond
- 1971.63.1.117
- Farms to Left of a Path
- 1971.63.1.118
- Landscape with Pigs and Two Peddlars
- 1971.63.1.119
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.12
- Lime-Kiln in Stormy Weather
- 1971.63.1.120
- Farms to Left of a Path
- 1971.63.1.121
- Title Page
- 1971.63.1.122
- Sandvoordt (The Village Zandvoort)
- 1971.63.1.124
- Paters herbergh (Father's Inn)
- 1971.63.1.125
- Potjes herbergh (Pot's Inn)
- 1971.63.1.126
- Aende wegh na Leyden (The Road towards Leiden)
- 1971.63.1.127
- Onder wegen Heemstee (The Road towards Heemstede)
- 1971.63.1.128
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.13
- Lasery van Haerlem (The Leper-House at Haarlem)
- 1971.63.1.130
- Plaijsante plaets aede duy kat (Road near the Dunes)
- 1971.63.1.131
- Blekerye aededuyne gelegen (Farms and Bleaching-Fields)
- 1971.63.1.132
- t'Huys te Kleef ('Het Huis Te Cleef,' near Haarlem)
- 1971.63.1.133
- Hallers Weyer Haus
- 1971.63.1.134
- Fischers Häuslein untterem Lazerët
- 1971.63.1.135
- Zu S. Johannes
- 1971.63.1.136
- Der Tetzell Gartten bey dem Judenbiell
- 1971.63.1.137
- Mögeldorff
- 1971.63.1.138
- Zu Sanct Jobst
- 1971.63.1.139
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.14
- Farm to Right of a River
- 1971.63.1.140
- Frozen River to Left of a Square Tower
- 1971.63.1.141
- Two Monks on a Path before a Dilapidated Tower
- 1971.63.1.142
- Skaters in front of Farms at Left
- 1971.63.1.143
- Flock of Sheep on Bridge over Frozen Canal
- 1971.63.1.144
- Farm to Left of a Path Leading to Distant Fields
- 1971.63.1.145
- Farms to Left of a Path
- 1971.63.1.146
- Skaters before a Wooden Bridge
- 1971.63.1.147
- Farm to Right of a River
- 1971.63.1.148
- Fields before Ruins Transformed into Farms
- 1971.63.1.149
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.15
- Flock of Sheep on Bridge over Frozen Canal
- 1971.63.1.150
- Shepherds with Goats and Sheep before a River
- 1971.63.1.151
- Path to Left of a Field
- 1971.63.1.152
- Shepherds and Sheep before a Rock
- 1971.63.1.153
- Path Leading to a Farm
- 1971.63.1.154
- Title
- 1971.63.1.155
- Antique Ruins Entered by a Herd and his Flock
- 1971.63.1.156
- Ruins of a Castle with Stone and Wooden Draw-bridge
- 1971.63.1.157
- Ruins of a Church with Later Additions
- 1971.63.1.158
- Two Couples Walking near Ruins of a Roman Building
- 1971.63.1.159
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.16
- Dilapidated Tower and Gothic Gate
- 1971.63.1.160
- A Herd and Three Goats Passing a Wooden Bridge
- 1971.63.1.161
- Frozen River with Skaters and Peasants on a Road
- 1971.63.1.162
- Country Road along a Church
- 1971.63.1.163
- Frozen River with Skaters
- 1971.63.1.164
- Dilapidated Outhouse
- 1971.63.1.166
- Cloud of Smoke Coming from a Lime-Kiln
- 1971.63.1.167
- Frozen River with Skaters next to a Dilapidated Barn
- 1971.63.1.168
- Country Road along a Farm
- 1971.63.1.169
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.17
- A Falconer and Servant with Hounds near a Pond
- 1971.63.1.170
- Teijlinghen (Teijlingen Castle)
- 1971.63.1.171
- Egmont op de Hoeff (Egmond Castle)
- 1971.63.1.172
- T'Clooster tot Rynsburch (The Abbey at Rijnsburg)
- 1971.63.1.173
- T'huys to Cleef by Haerlem ('Het Huis te Kleef')
- 1971.63.1.174
- Weerdenburch (Weerdenburch Castle)
- 1971.63.1.175
- Rossum (Rossum Castle)
- 1971.63.1.176
- Title Page
- 1971.63.1.177
- Temple of Fortune
- 1971.63.1.178
- Ruinous Landscape with Flight into Egypt
- 1971.63.1.179
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.18
- Ruins beside Water
- 1971.63.1.180
- Thermae of Trajano
- 1971.63.1.182
- Antique Temple Surrounded by Columns
- 1971.63.1.183
- Ruins beside Water
- 1971.63.1.184
- Antique Temple
- 1971.63.1.185
- Temple of Castor and Pollux
- 1971.63.1.186
- Road between Ruins
- 1971.63.1.187
- Baths of Diocletian
- 1971.63.1.188
- Temple of Castor and Pollux and Basilica of Constantine
- 1971.63.1.189
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.19
- Two-arched Bridge Spanning River
- 1971.63.1.190
- Therme of Diocletian
- 1971.63.1.191
- Temple of Sybil at Tivoli
- 1971.63.1.192
- The Flight into Egypt
- 1971.63.1.193
- Therme of Caracalla
- 1971.63.1.194
- Therme of Tito
- 1971.63.1.196
- View of Rome, Seen fron Monte Pincio
- 1971.63.1.197
- Pyramid of Caius Cestius
- 1971.63.1.198
- Aqueduct of Claudio
- 1971.63.1.199
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.2
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.20
- Temple of Venere
- 1971.63.1.200
- The So-Called Temple of Minerva Medica
- 1971.63.1.201
- Therme of Tito
- 1971.63.1.202
- Title
- 1971.63.1.203
- Dilapidated Barn with Herd and Cattle
- 1971.63.1.204
- Tobias and the Angel
- 1971.63.1.205
- Old Man and Woman Resting at a Pond
- 1971.63.1.206
- Farmhouse with Dovecoats
- 1971.63.1.207
- Path along a Barn
- 1971.63.1.208
- Barns
- 1971.63.1.209
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.21
- A Farmhouse
- 1971.63.1.210
- Barn
- 1971.63.1.211
- A Wooden Bridge
- 1971.63.1.212
- A Farmyard
- 1971.63.1.213
- Barns
- 1971.63.1.214
- Farm with Shed for a Cart
- 1971.63.1.215
- Farm with Shed
- 1971.63.1.216
- Farmyard
- 1971.63.1.217
- A Farm
- 1971.63.1.218
- Farmyard
- 1971.63.1.219
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.22
- A Farm
- 1971.63.1.220
- Farms
- 1971.63.1.221
- Barns
- 1971.63.1.222
- Farmyard
- 1971.63.1.223
- Road Leading to a Stone Bridge
- 1971.63.1.224
- Two Barns
- 1971.63.1.225
- A Barn
- 1971.63.1.226
- A Village
- 1971.63.1.227
- Tree and Mellons
- 1971.63.1.228
- Ver
- 1971.63.1.229
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.23
- Aestas
- 1971.63.1.230
- Autumnus
- 1971.63.1.231
- Hyems
- 1971.63.1.232
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.24
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.25
- Title Page
- 1971.63.1.26
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.27
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.28
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.29
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.3
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.30
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.31
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.32
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.33
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.34
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.35
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.36
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.37
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.38
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.39
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.4
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.40
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.41
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.42
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.43
- View of a Town at a River
- 1971.63.1.44
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.45
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.46
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.47
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.48
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.49
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.5
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.50
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.51
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.52
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.53
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.54
- Title: An Antique Gate
- 1971.63.1.55
- Brewery along a Frozen River
- 1971.63.1.56
- Farmyard with Square Ruined Tower Used as Barn
- 1971.63.1.57
- Inn at a Square Tower
- 1971.63.1.58
- Inn at a Square Tower
- 1971.63.1.59
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.6
- Inn at a Round Tower
- 1971.63.1.60
- The Prodigal Son Feeding the Swine
- 1971.63.1.61
- View of a Town
- 1971.63.1.62
- Ruins of a Castle Surrounded by a Moat
- 1971.63.1.63
- The Castle
- 1971.63.1.64
- Evening: Travellers on a Road near an Inn
- 1971.63.1.65
- Draw-Well Built against a Tower
- 1971.63.1.66
- Title: A Market Scene
- 1971.63.1.67
- Country Road along a Dilapidated Church
- 1971.63.1.68
- Dovecot
- 1971.63.1.69
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.7
- Dilapidated Barn
- 1971.63.1.70
- Old Tower used as a Lighthouse
- 1971.63.1.71
- A Winter Landscape with Skaters on a Canal
- 1971.63.1.72
- Ferry in front of a Stone Bridge
- 1971.63.1.73
- Landscape with Square Tower
- 1971.63.1.74
- Bastion with Tower and Chapel
- 1971.63.1.75
- Walled Castle
- 1971.63.1.76
- Farm Built against a Square Tower
- 1971.63.1.77
- 'Het Huis te Kleef'
- 1971.63.1.78
- Title
- 1971.63.1.79
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.8
- Ruins of Brederode Castle
- 1971.63.1.80
- Wooded Landscape with Horseman on a Path
- 1971.63.1.81
- Roman Ruins in Wooded Surroundings
- 1971.63.1.82
- Farmyard with Inhabited Ruins
- 1971.63.1.83
- Travellers on a Road near a Village
- 1971.63.1.84
- Tobias and the Angel with the Casa dei Crescenzi
- 1971.63.1.85
- Country Road through a Village
- 1971.63.1.86
- Cascade under a Stone Bridge
- 1971.63.1.87
- Stone Bridge near an Inn
- 1971.63.1.88
- Abraham Casting out Hagar and Ishmael
- 1971.63.1.89
- Topographia variarvm regionvm
- 1971.63.1.9
- Winter Landscape with a Square Tower used as an Inn
- 1971.63.1.90
- Title
- 1971.63.1.91
- Farm along a Country Road
- 1971.63.1.92
- Landscape with Round Tower
- 1971.63.1.93
- Mercury and Herse
- 1971.63.1.94
- Road Leading to a Stone Bridge
- 1971.63.1.95
- Inn along a Country Road
- 1971.63.1.96
- The Zijlpoort at Haarlem
- 1971.63.1.97
- Dilapidated Church-Tower Surrounded by Houses
- 1971.63.1.98
- Beacons at the Banks of a River
- 1971.63.1.99