Exhibition History
- 1973
- Prints of the Italian Renaissance, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1973, no. 367.
- 2000
- "Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, 1470-1700", The Trout Gallery, Dickinson College, Carlisle; The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, 2000-2001, no. 51.
- 1802
- Bartsch, Adam. Le peintre graveur. 21 vols. Vienna, 1802-1821: Adam. Le peintre graveur. 21 vols. Vienna: J.V. Degen, 1802-1821.
- 2000
- Sherman, Claire Richter. Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Exh. cat. The Trout Gallery, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, 2000, no. 51.
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