- 1964
- Harris, Tomás. Goya: engravings and lithographs. 2 vols. Oxford: Bruno Cassirer, 1964.
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- Caridad (Charity)
- 1943.3.4716.aa
- Espiro sin remedio (There Was Nothing To Be Done and He Died)
- Murio la verdad (Truth Has Died)
- 1943.3.4716.aaaa
- Con razon o sin ella (Rightly or Wrongly)
- 1943.3.4716.b
- Populacho (Rabble)
- Clamores en vano (Appeals Are In Vain)
- 1943.3.4716.bbb
- Si resucitara? (Will She Rise Again?)
- 1943.3.4716.bbbb
- Lo mismo (The Same)
- 1943.3.4716.c
- Lo merecia (He Deserved It)
- Lo peor es pedir (The Worst Is To Beg)
- 1943.3.4716.ccc
- Las mugeres dan valor (The Women Give Courage)
- 1943.3.4716.d
- Estragos de la guerra (Ravages of War)
- 1943.3.4716.dd
- Al cementerio (To the Cemetery)
- 1943.3.4716.ddd
- Y son fieras (And They Are Like Wild Beasts)
- 1943.3.4716.e
- Fuerte cosa es! (That's Tough!)
- Sanos y enfermos (The Healthy and the Sick)
- 1943.3.4716.eee
- Bien te se esta (It Serves You Right)
- 1943.3.4716.f
- Por que? (Why?)
- 1943.3.4716.ff
- No hay que dar voces (It's No Use Crying Out)
- 1943.3.4716.fff
- Que valor! (What Courage!)
- 1943.3.4716.g
- Que hai que hacer mas? (What More Can Be Done?)
- De que sirve una taza? (What Is the Use of a Cup?)
- 1943.3.4716.ggg
- Siempre sucede (It Always Happens)
- 1943.3.4716.h
- Por una navaja (On Account of a Knife)
- 1943.3.4716.hh
- No hay quien los socorra (There Is No One To Help Them)
- 1943.3.4716.hhh
- No Quieren (They Don't Like It)
- 1943.3.4716.i
- No se puede saber por que (One Can't Tell Why)
- 1943.3.4716.ii
- Si son de otro linage (Perhaps They Are of Another Breed)
- 1943.3.4716.iii
- Tampoco (Nor [Do These] Either)
- 1943.3.4716.j
- Tampoco (Not [in this Case] Either)
- 1943.3.4716.jj
- Las camas de la muerte (The Beds of Death)
- 1943.3.4716.jjj
- Ni por esas (Neither Do These)
- 1943.3.4716.k
- Esto es peor (This is Worse)
- 1943.3.4716.kk
- Muertos recogidos (Harvest of the Dead)
- 1943.3.4716.kkk
- Para eso habeis nacido (This Is What You Were Born For)
- 1943.3.4716.l
- Barbaros (Barbarians!)
- 1943.3.4716.ll
- Carretadas al cementerio (Cartloads to the Cemetery)
- 1943.3.4716.lll
- Amarga presencia (Bitter To Be Present)
- 1943.3.4716.m
- Grande hazana! Con muertos! (An Heroic Feat! With Dead Men!
- Que alboroto es este? (What Is this Hubbub?)
- 1943.3.4716.mmm
- Duro es el paso! (It's a Hard Step!)
- 1943.3.4716.n
- Algun partido saca (He Gets Something Out of It)
- 1943.3.4716.nn
- Extrana devocion! (Strange Devotion!)
- 1943.3.4716.nnn
- Y no hai remedio (And There's No Help for It)
- 1943.3.4716.o
- Escapan entre las llamas (They Escape through the Flames)
- 1943.3.4716.oo
- Esta no lo es menos (This Is Not Less So)
- Se aprovechan (They Make Use of Them)
- 1943.3.4716.p
- Que locura! (What Madness!)
- 1943.3.4716.ppp
- No se convienen (They Do Not Agree)
- 1943.3.4716.q
- Tambien esto (This Too)
- 1943.3.4716.qq
- Nada (Nothing)
- 1943.3.4716.qqq
- Enterrar y callar (Bury Them and Keep Quiet)
- 1943.3.4716.r
- Yo lo vi (I Saw It)
- 1943.3.4716.rr
- No Saben el camino (They Do Not Know the Way)
- 1943.3.4716.rrr
- Ya no hay tiempo (There Isn't Time Now)
- 1943.3.4716.s
- Y esto tambien (And This Too)
- Contra el bien general (Against the Commom Good)
- 1943.3.4716.sss
- Curarlos, y a otra (Get Them Well, and onto the Next)
- 1943.3.4716.t
- Esto es malo (This Is Bad)
- Las resultas (The Consequences)
- 1943.3.4716.ttt
- Sera lo mismo (It Will Be the Same)
- 1943.3.4716.u
- Asi sucedio (This Is How It Happened)
- 1943.3.4716.uu
- Gatesca pantomima (Feline Pantomime)
- 1943.3.4716.uuu
- Tanto y mas (Even Worse)
- 1943.3.4716.v
- Cruel lastima! (Cruel Tale of Woe!)
- 1943.3.4716.vv
- Esto es lo peor! (That Is the Worst of It!)
- 1943.3.4716.vvv
- Lo mismo en otras partes (The Same Elsewhere)
- 1943.3.4716.w
- Caridad de una muger (A Woman's Charity)
- 1943.3.4716.ww
- Farandula de charlatanes (Charlatan's Show)
- 1943.3.4716.www
- Aun podran servir (They Can Still Be of Use)
- 1943.3.4716.x
- Madre infeliz! (Unhappy Mother!)
- 1943.3.4716.xx
- El buitre carnivoro (The Carnivorous Vulture)
- Tambien estos (These Too)
- 1943.3.4716.y
- Cracias a la almorta (Thanks to the Millet)
- 1943.3.4716.yy
- Que se rompe la cuerda (May the Card Break)
- 1943.3.4716.yyy
- No se puede mirar (One Can't Look)
- 1943.3.4716.z
- No llegan a tiempo (They Do Not Arrive in Time)
- 1943.3.4716.zz
- Se defiende bien (He Defends Himself Well)
- 1943.3.4716.zzz