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lower right in stone: H. G Ibels; by later hand, lower right verso in graphite: Theâtre Libre 1892-93 Boubouroche; by later hand, lower left verso in graphite: 840387

Marks and Labels

recto: none; verso: black-stamped circular stamp: Ader Picard-Tajan / (1) 261.80.07 PARIS [center of circle]; Vente des 19 et 20 Juin 1984 - BOUTARIC/SERUSIER [outer rim of circle]


Paul Sérusier [1863-1927], Paris; by inheritance to his wife, Marguerite Sérusier [died 1950], Paris; gift to her friend, Henriette Boutaric, Paris (her sale, Paris, Ader Picard Tajan, 20 June 1984, lot 490); purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Atlas, Washington, D.C.; gift to NGA, 1995.

Exhibition History

Artists and the Avant-Garde Theater in Paris, 1887-1900, National Gallery of Art, Washington; National Academy Museum, New York, 1998-1999, no. 21, as Boubouroche by Georges Courteline; Valet de coeur (The Jack of Hearts) by Maurice Vaucaire.


Aitken, Geneviève. Artistes et Théâtres d'Avant-Garde: Programmes de Théâtre Illustrés, Paris 1890-1900. Exh. cat. Pont-Aven, Musée de Pont-Aven and tour, 1992, 27, no. 19.
Artists and the Avant-Garde Theater in Paris, 1887-1900. Exh. cat. National Gallery of Art, Washington; National Academy Museum, New York, 1998-1999: no. 21.

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