Marquesa de Bermejillo del Rey, Madrid.[1] (Trotti et Cie, Paris), who sold a half share to (M. Knoedler and Co., New York);[1] purchased 17 October 1928 by Andrew W. Mellon, Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C.; deeded 28 December 1934 to The A.W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust, Pittsburgh; gift 1937 to NGA.
[1] Knoedler stockbook no. 8, p.51, M. Knoedler & Co. records, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (copy NGA curatorial files).
Exhibition History
- 1986
- Goya: The Condesa de Chinchón and Other Paintings, Drawings, and Prints in Spanish and American Private Collections and the National Gallery of Art, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1986-1987, unpaginated brochure.
Technical Summary
The painting is on a medium-weight, plain-weave, single-thread fabric, loosely woven, and is lined to a heavier weight fabric. The tacking margins have been cut and removed. Oil paint is rather thinly applied, with some impasto, over a ground layer of deep rose color. A thin layer of gray-brown imprimatura is applied over the ground. There are two scratches, at the top and bottom left corners. The paint is abraded throughout, most evidently in the dress. Scattered retouches have discolored. The varnish is also discolored and milky.
- 1941
- Preliminary Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1941: 89, no. 87, as Maria Luisa Queen of Spain by Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes.
- 1942
- Book of Illustrations. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1942: 241, repro. 214, as Maris Luisa, Queen of Spain by Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes.
- 1943
- Soria, Martin S. "Agustín Esteve and Goya." The Art Bulletin 28, no. 3 (September 1943): 240, nt. 9.
- 1945
- Cook 1945, 153-156, figs. 3, 4.
- 1949
- Paintings and Sculpture from the Mellon Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1949 (reprinted 1953 and 1958): 49, repro., as Maria Luisa, Queen of Spain by Goya.
- 1957
- Sambricio, Valentín de. "Los retratos de Carlos IV y María Luisa, por Goya." Archivo Español de Arte y Arqueologia 30 (1957): 85-113, pls. 5, 6.
- 1957
- Soria, Martin S. Agustín Esteve y Goya. Valencia, 1957: 36, no. 9.
- 1958
- Gaya Nuño, Juan Anotonio. La pintura española fuera de España; historia y catàlogo. Madrid, 1958: 78, 169, nos. 995, 977.
- 1965
- Summary Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1965: 60, as Maria Luisa, Queen of Spain.
- 1968
- National Gallery of Art. European Paintings and Sculpture, Illustrations. Washington, 1968: 52, repro., asMaria Luisa, Queen of Spain.
- 1970
- Gassier, Pierre, and Juliet Wilson. Vie et oeuvre de Francisco Goya. Paris, 1970: 166, nos. 774, 775 (also 1971 ed., Translated by C. Hauch and J. Wilson. New York, 1971: 166, nos. 774, 775.).
- 1971
- Gudiol y Ricart, José. Goya: 1746-1828; Biography, Analytical Study and Catalogue of His Paintings. Trnslated by Kenneth Lyons. 4 vols. New York, 1971: 1:289, nos. 416, 417; 3:figs. 659, 660.
- 1975
- European Paintings: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1975: 158, repro., as Maria Luisa, Queen of Spain.
- 1975
- Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. New York, 1975: 404, color figs. 582, 584.
- 1983
- Wagner, Isadora-Joan Rose. "Manuel Godoy, Patrón de las artes y coleccionista." 2 vols. Ph.D. dissertation, Universdad Complutense, Madrid, 1983: 2:182.
- 1984
- Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. Rev. ed. New York, 1984: 401, no. 569, color repro., as María Luisa, Queen of Spain, by Francisco de Goya.
- 1985
- European Paintings: An Illustrated Catalogue. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1985: 182, repro., as Maria Luisa Queen of Spain
- 1986
- Bottineau, Yves. L'art de cours dans l'Espanage des lummières, 1746-1808. Paris, 370, n. 124.
- 1990
- Brown, Jonathan, and Richard G. Mann. Spanish Paintings of the Fifteenth through Nineteenth Centuries. The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue. Washington, D.C., 1990: 33, 36-37, repro. 35.
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