Falier may be identical with a wax modeller who made a portrait of the Venetian patrician Francesco Zen that was reproduced in a cameo by Giovanni Antonio de' Rossi (1513-c. 1575) known in Venice in 1543.[1] Two medals have been attributed to Falier: a portrait of a priest, Marcus (George Francis Hill, A Corpus of the Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini, 2 vols., London, 1930: no. 465), which is signed IOANNIS FALETRO, and a medal of Andrea Gritti (NGA 1957.14.749.a,b).[2]
[1] Marcantonio Michiel, Notizia d'opere di disegno pubblicata da D. Jacopo Morelli, ed. Gustavo Frizzoni, Bologna, 1884: 277.
[2] Julius Menadier, "Die italischen Schaumünzen," in Ausstellung von Kunstwerken des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus Berliner Privatbesitz, ed. W. von Bode, Berlin, 1899: 111, proposed the attributions.
[This is the artist's biography published in the NGA systematic catalogue of Renaissance medals.]