Pietro da Fano is known solely from recorded activities between about 1452 and 1464. He signed three medals, dating to between 1452 and 1457, that depict Lodovigo Gonzaga, marquess of Mantua of (Hill 1930, no. 407), and two versions of NGA 1957.14.728.a,b. Since Pietro is recorded in documents of February 1464 as still in the service of the marquess,[1] the Malipieri medal (NGA 1957.14.728.a,b) would have been prepared during an excursion to Venice.
[1] Giuseppe Castellani, "Notizie di Pietro da Fano," Rassegna bibliografica dell'arte italiana 1 (1898): 97-103.
[This is the artist's biography published in the NGA systematic catalogue of Renaissance medals.]