Edmond Du Sommerard was the son of Alexander Du Sommerard, founder of the Cluny Museum. He studied drawing and assisted his father with the publication of the five volume Les arts du moyen age (Paris, 1838-1846). He also was decorated for military service and promoted to the level of an officer. Later, he succeeded his father as director at the Cluny. Edmond became involved with the Commission des monuments historiques and sat on two juries for the Exposition Universelle in 1855. For the Second Universal Exposition in London he served as a member of the Imperial commission.
Vapereau, Gustave. Dictionnaire universel des contemporains. 4th ed. Paris, London, and Leipzig, 1870: 609.
Du Sommerard, Edmond. Musée des Thermes et l'Hôtel de Cluny, Catalogue et Description des Objets d'Art. Paris, 1883.
Verlet, Pierre. Le Musée de Cluny. Paris, 1966: 8-11.