Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice
March 24 – July 7, 2019
West Building, Main Floor, Northeast Galleries

Jacopo Tintoretto, Self-Portrait, c. 1588, oil on canvas, Musée du Louvre, Paris Départment des Peintures
This exhibition is no longer on view at the National Gallery.
In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Jacopo Tintoretto (1518/1519–1594), the National Gallery of Art, Washington and the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia with the special cooperation of the Gallerie dell’Accademia, have organized a major exhibition on the Venetian master. As the first retrospective of the artist in North America, the exhibition includes many significant international loans traveling to the U.S. for the first time. The exhibition features nearly 50 paintings and more than a dozen works on paper spanning the artist’s entire career and ranging from regal portraits of Venetian aristocracy to religious and mythological narrative scenes.
The exhibition curators are Tintoretto experts Robert Echols, independent scholar, and Frederick Ilchman, chair of the Art of Europe department and Mrs. Russell W. Baker Curator of Paintings at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. While Tintoretto was considered one of the “Big Three” 16th-century Venetian painters alongside Titian and Paolo Veronese during his lifetime and in the succeeding centuries, works by Tintoretto’s assistants and followers have frequently been misattributed to the master. Echols and Ilchman are widely responsible for a new and more accurate understanding of Tintoretto’s oeuvre and chronology, first explored in the Museo del Prado’s Tintoretto exhibition in 2007. A fully illustrated catalog accompanying the exhibition, published in English and Italian, includes a range of essays by the curators and other leading scholars as well as new research and scientific studies of Tintoretto’s work.
Organization: Organized by the National Gallery of Art, Washington, and the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia with the special collaboration of the Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice.
Sponsors: The exhibition is made possible in part by The Exhibition Circle of the National Gallery of Art.
Save Venice provided significant funding for conservation in support of the exhibition.
The exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.
Passes: Admission is always free and passes are not required.
Attendance: 195,427
Catalog: Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice. Edited by Robert Echols and Frederick Ilchman. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2018
Other venues: Palazzo Ducale, Venice, September 7, 2018–January 6, 2019
- Tintoretto, Jacopo
- Italian, 1518 - 1594
Drawing in Tintoretto’s Venice
March 24 – June 9, 2019
West Building, Ground Floor
Venetian Prints in the Time of Tintoretto
March 24 – June 9, 2019
West Building, Ground Floor
Lectures and Book Signings
Introduction to the Exhibition—Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice
March 24 at 2:00
East Building Auditorium
Watch here
Gallery Talks
Tintoretto: Introductory Slide Overviews
April 3, 5, 12, 16, 19 at 1:00
May 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31 at 1:00
West Building Lecture Hall
June 4, 11, 14, 18, 25, 28 at 11:00
East Building Auditorium
Gallery Talks
Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice
April 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 29 at 11:00
May 8, 9, 15, 16 at 11:00
June 6, 7 at 11:00
June 12, 13, 20, 21 at 1:00
West Building Rotunda
Film Programs
Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice
July 5 at 12:00
East Building Auditorium
- Tintoretto Lecture Series, Part 4—In Situ: Tintoretto in Venice
- Video, Released: June 25, 2019, (74:29 minutes)
- Tintoretto Lecture Series, Part 4—In Situ: Tintoretto in Venice
- Audio, Released: June 25, 2019, (74:29 minutes)
- Tintoretto Lecture Series, Part 2—Tintoretto: The Early Work
- Audio, Released: June 25, 2019, (74:29 minutes)
- Tintoretto Lecture Series, Part 3—Tintoretto Central: The Scuola Grande di San Rocco
- Video, Released: June 25, 2019, (74:29 minutes)
- Tintoretto Lecture Series, Part 2—Tintoretto: The Early Work
- Video, Released: June 25, 2019, (74:29 minutes)
- Tintoretto Lecture Series, Part 1—Tintoretto in Context: Framing Tintoretto: Sixteenth-Century Venetian Painting
- Video, Released: June 25, 2019, (74:29 minutes)
- Tintoretto Lecture Series, Part 1—Tintoretto in Context: Framing Tintoretto: Sixteenth-Century Venetian Painting
- Audio, Released: June 25, 2019, (74:29 minutes)
- Tintoretto Lecture Series, Part 3—Tintoretto Central: The Scuola Grande di San Rocco
- Audio, Released: June 25, 2019, (74:29 minutes)
- Introduction to the Exhibition—Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice
- Audio, Released: May 21, 2019, (66:00 minutes)
- Introduction to the Exhibition—Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice
- Video, Released: May 21, 2019, (66:00 minutes)
- Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice Promo
- Video, Released: March 24, 2019, (00:15 minutes)
- Press Event: Tintoretto 500
- Audio, Released: March 19, 2019, (95:25 minutes)
- Press Event: Tintoretto 500
- Video, Released: March 19, 2019, (28:38 minutes)
- Tintoretto: Legends of Saint Mark, Scuola Grande di San Marco
- Video, Released: February 26, 2019, (7:18 minutes)
- Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice
- Video, Released: February 26, 2019, (18:44 minutes)