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January 16, 2020

Acquisition: Oliver Lee Jackson, "Triptych (3.20.15, 5.21.15, 6.8.15)"

Oliver Lee Jackson, "Triptych (3.20.15, 5.21.15, 6.8.15)"

Oliver Lee Jackson
Triptych (3.20.15, 5.21.15, 6.8.15), 2015
applied felt, chalk, alkyd paint, and mixed media on wood panel
overall (each of three panels): 241.3 × 182.88 cm (95 × 72 in.)
framed (height, each of three panels): 246.38 cm (97 in.)
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Purchased with funds from the Glenstone Foundation

The Gallery has acquired one of Oliver Lee Jackson's (b. 1935) most remarkable works, the large Triptych (3.20.15, 5.21.15, 6.8.15) (2015), consisting almost entirely of colored felt cut and applied to board. In each panel, dark forms suggesting figures or parts of figures seem to move, dance, or run in and through fields of light blue, orange, pink, green, and white. Figurative references—looming heads and recumbent bodies—are also contained within the fields of color. The imagery, with its simultaneous suggestions of joy and intense energy, dance and flight, echoes thematic material that has permeated Jackson's career, from the dynamism of his works of the 1970s inspired by newspaper photographs of the 1960 massacre in Sharpeville, South Africa, to persistent themes of a grand dance evoking a sense of spectacle and ritual. While collage and cut-outs have a long history in 20th-century art, Jackson's embrace of felt, which he values for its saturated color and optical neutrality, is distinctive. He folds and overlaps the cloth to create sensations of depth that complicate (without ever contradicting) the inherent flatness of the materials.

Triptych joins four paintings by Jackson that are already in the collection, expanding the Gallery's holdings of the work of this powerful modern American artist.

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