Current Members
The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts resident community of international scholars consists of the Kress-Beinecke Professor, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor, the Edmond J. Safra Visiting Professor, the A. W. Mellon Lecturer in the Fine Arts, and approximately 18 fellows at any one time, including senior fellows, visiting senior fellows, guest scholars, research associates, postdoctoral fellows, and predoctoral fellows.
In addition, the Center supports an internship program with Howard University and approximately 15 predoctoral fellows who are conducting research elsewhere, both in the United States and abroad.
Senior FellowsAbout this fellowship program
Michele Greet, George Mason University
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Abstraction in the Andes, 1950–1970
Jason Hill, University of Delaware
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow
Police Media and Documentary Photography in 20th-Century America
Paul Niell, Florida State University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Thatched Dwellings, Urban Lives: The Bohio and the City in the Late Spanish Colonial Caribbean
Amara Solari, Pennsylvania State University
Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellow
Missions Impossible: The Art of Franciscan Failure and Puebloan Perseverance in Nuevo México
Abbey Stockstill, Southern Methodist University
Paul Mellon Senior Fellow
Color through the Seven Spheres: Materiality and Vision in Medieval Islamic Architecture
Chang Tan, Pennsylvania State University
William C. Seitz Senior Fellow
Network Moderns: Vernacular Photography and Image-Making in Global Chinas
Dario Robleto, Houston, TX
Visiting Guest Artist, September–November 2024
Until We Are Forged: Hymns for the Elements
Visiting Senior FellowsAbout this fellowship program
Robert J. Foster, University of Rochester
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, March–April 2025
Tracking “Primitive Art” from New Guinea: How Morton D. May Assembled Department Store Exhibition Sales for Middlebrow America (A Detective Story)
Josh T Franco, College Park, MD
Leonard A. Lauder Visiting Senior Fellow, January–February 2025
Where I Learned to Look: Art from the Yard
Taylor Johnson, Takoma Park, MD
Leonard A. Lauder Visiting Senior Fellow, March–April 2025
Free and Open to the Public
Hamid Keshmirshekan, SOAS, University of London
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, January–February 2025
Retracing Truth: The Haunting Presence of History in Contemporary Art Practices in Iran
Márton Orosz, Vasarely Museum
Beinecke Visiting Senior Fellow, May–June 2025
The Symbiotic Fabric of Media Art: György Kepes and the Evolution of “Interthinking” in Art and Science
Jody Patterson, The Ohio State University
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, May–June 2025
Modernizing the South: Robert Gwathmey and the Legacies of the New Deal in American Art of the 1940s
Paolo Plebani, Fondazione Accademia Carrara
Beinecke Visiting Senior Fellow, June–August 2025
Ludus Triumphorum: The Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards; An Investigation into the Origin of the Cards and Their Iconography
Jeff Rosen, Newberry Library
Berger Collection Educational Trust Visiting Senior Fellow in British Art, June–August 2025
Julia Margaret Cameron’s Imperial Shakespeare
Maureen G. Shanahan, James Madison University
Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow, June–August 2025
Pariahs in Paris: Seeing Citizenship and the French Colonial Subject in the Metropole (1914–1940)
Ailsa Mellon Bruce National Gallery of Art Sabbatical Fellows
Michelle Bird, Department of French Paintings
Research for an Exhibition Featuring Contemporary Artists Born and Trained in Cuba
Sarah Cash, Department of American and British Paintings
John Singer Sargent’s Stereographs Rediscovered
Postdoctoral Fellows
About this fellowship program
Maria Gabriella Matarazzo
Beinecke Postdoctoral Fellow, 2023–2025
Beyond “Buon Fresco”: Experimenting with Oil in Wall Painting, c. 1500–1700
Jonah Rowen, Parsons School of Design, The New School
Berger Collection Educational Trust Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow in British Art, June–August 2025
Architecture of Security: Building across the British Black Atlantic
Hugo Shakeshaft
A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2024–2026
Lifelikeness: The Transformation of Art in Archaic and Classical Greece
Predoctoral Dissertation Fellows (in Residence)About this fellowship program
David P. Bardeen, University of California, Los Angeles
David E. Finley Fellow, 2022–2025
Arboreal Formations: The Dynamics of Wood in Italian Intarsia and Painting, 1450–1525
Robyn A. Barrow, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2022–2025
Tracking North: Art, Ecology, and Exchange in the Medieval Nordic World
Chaeri Lee, Indiana University
Twenty-Four-Month Ittleson Fellow, 2023–2025
Āthār: Visualizing Vestiges of Time in Late 19th-Century Iran
James H. Miller, Princeton University
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2023–2025
Fossils for a Future Time: David Smith and the Sculpting of Traces
Celia Rodríguez Tejuca, Johns Hopkins University
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2023–2025
From the Ground Up: Picturing Scientific Knowledge in the Late 18th-Century Spanish Americas
Julia Silverman, Harvard University
Wyeth Fellow, 2023–2025
Unmaking Tradition: Native Designers and the Representation of Knowledge during the “Indian New Deal”
Wenjie Su, Princeton University
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2023–2025
Simulating Time: Cosmological Analogies, Cross-Cultural Similes, and the Transmission of Clockwork Objects between Early Modern Europe and China
Predoctoral Dissertation Fellows (Not in Residence)About this fellowship program
Abigail Berry, University of California, Los Angeles
Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellow, 2024–2025
Brick Gothic Architecture and the Hanseatic League: Materials, Networks, and Urban Identity, 1250–1500
Alice Casalini, University of Chicago
Twenty-Four-Month Ittleson Fellow, 2024–2026
Paradigms of Beholding: The Architecture of Religious Experience in Gandhāra
Rowanne Dean, University of Chicago
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2023–2026
Valuing Virtuosity: Goldsmiths’ Work in Northwestern Europe, c. 1350–1500
Ryan Eisenman, University of Pennsylvania
David E. Finley Fellow, 2023–2026
The Limoges Champlevé Enamel Industry, c. 1180–1280
Virginia Girard, Columbia University
Samuel H. Kress Fellow, 2024–2026
Geomyths in Early Netherlandish Landscapes, 1500–1600
Nathalie Miraval, Yale University
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, 2024–2026
Sacred Subversions: Martha, Monsters, and Domestic Devotion in the Afro-Iberian Atlantic
Isabella Shey Robbins, Yale University
Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2024–2026
Relationality and Being: Indigeneity, Space, and Transit in Global Contemporary Art
Soyoon Ryu, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Twelve-Month Chester Dale Fellow, 2024–2025
We Live Here: Artistic Collectivization and Inhabitation on the Outskirts in East and Southeast Asia, 1972–1992
Elizabeth Driscoll Smith, University of California, Santa Barbara
Wyeth Fellow, 2024–2026
Build/Live/Work: Artist-Built Environments and the Expanded Vernacular in the 20th Century
Emily Whitehead, Emory University
David E. Finley Fellow, 2024–2027
Variance and Innovation in Middle Kingdom Coffins at a Time of Standardization and Homogeneity
Margaret Wilson, The Ohio State University
Paul Mellon Fellow, 2024–2027
Making and Breaking Enclosure: The Movement of Art through Late Medieval Convents
Hamed Yousefi, Northwestern University
Twelve-Month Ittleson Fellow, 2024–2025
How Modern Art Became Islamic: Imagining God and Man between Iran’s Two Revolutions (1906–1979)
Howard University Undergraduate Interns
Jada Brooks, 2023–2025
Clay Cauley, 2023–2025
Aletheia Couts, 2023–2025
Miles Kenyan Stewart, 2023–2025
Elroi Yonatan, 2023–2025
Research Associates
Postdoctoral Research AssociatesAbout our research initiatives
Valeria Federici
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Hybrid Identities and New Media Art in Italy
Molly Superfine
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Ruins and Remains: Performative Sculpture and the Politics of Touch in the 1970s