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Image: Book Cover of "Lessing J. Rosenwald: Tribute to a Collector"

Lessing J. Rosenwald: Tribute to a Collector

Ruth E. Fine
Published 1982
272 pages

Lessing J. Rosenwald: Tribute to a Collector honors one of the founding benefactors of the National Gallery of Art and the Gallery’s foremost donor of prints and drawings. The Rosenwald Collection, encompassing works of graphic art from medieval times to the present, is the finest of its kind ever to be formed in the United States by a single individual. Rosenwald’s discrimination as a collector is acknowledged throughout the world, and his perceptiveness and generosity have placed the collection of works on paper at the Gallery among the most respected in the country. In this catalog, entries for works include minimal discussion on the works of art themselves; rather, they address the Rosenwald Collection’s formation and significance by discussing particular works within that context.

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