lower left, in image, in plate: 5; below image, in plate: Turgentem omento, pinguiq[ue] abdomine fartam, / Et spurco putore grauem, nidore petulcam / Haud leue propter opes onus aspernatur, et odit / Baiulus, vt luteo distentam sumine scropham. / Frugi Panperiem qu[a]e nullo omeratur omaso, / Nec gazis Cr[a]esi, nec Crassi dote grauatam / Tollit ouans humeris, non hanc Semeleia proles / Vino, non epulis Cerealis pressit Eleusis. (A porter refuses to carry a fat pig of a woman, bulging belly stuffed, heavy with a filthy stench, redolent with the odour of roasting, as she is a heavy burden because of her wealth and he hates her like a sow with a crammed pink pork chest. Thrifty poverty, burdened neither by a single haggis, nor Croesus' treatures, nor is heavy with Crassus' riches, he jubilantly takes upon his shoulders because Semele's child [Bacchus] has not made it heavy with wine, nor has Eleusis with Ceres' meals.); in letterpress, below plate: Die broodt-droncken weelde, swaerlyvich en vet, / Die kittelt altemet, soo haren dragher: / Dat hyse verwerpt, hem lydende veel bet, / Met armoede, want die is licht en magher. (This drunken glutton is a Load of grease, / Shee tickles me full sore, and kills mee clean, / Wherefore i'le throwe her downe and for my case, / Take up this other that is light, and lean.)
[translations by Jan Bloemendal in _The New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts, 1450-1700_. (Karel van Mander, Marjolein Leesberg, author). Rotterdam: Sound & Vision Interactive, 1999, no. 99, p. lxxvi.]
Château de la Roche-Guyon, France (part of an album)1; (Paul Prouté S.A., Paris); purchased by NGA, 2003.
1 The album was bound in vellum, with "Abraham" on the cover and "Ligeoys" on the back cover. The Château de la Roche-Guyon stamp was on some of the pages, which included a variety of northern mannerist prints by Goltzius, Matham, Saenredam, and others. It was apparently dismantled by Prouté for sale of some of the prints to the NGA.
- 1949
- Hollstein, F.W.H. et al. German engravings, etchings and woodcuts ca. 1400-1700. 8 vols. Amsterdam: Menno Hertzberger, 1954-1868. Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts, ca. 1450-1700. Vols. I-XV, XVIII, XIX. Amsterdam: Menno Hertzberge
- 1993
- The New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts, 1450-1700. (Karel van Mander, Marjolein Leesberg, author). Rotterdam: Sound & Vision Interactive, 1996-, no. 99, state i/iii.
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