upper center in plate: LEVI; lower right in plate: J Sae. F. / .3.; in margin below image, in plate: Sichemitarum regem cur fr[atr]e necaui, / Disiecique urbis moenia celsa ferox. / Propterea Leui poenas fert, nil propriumq[ue] / Possidet, in certo nec manet ipse loco. (With my brother I slew the king of the Sichemites, and wildly I cast down the city's high walls. For this Levi bears punishment. He has nothing of his own, nor a settled abode. [translation from Veldman, Ilja M., and H. J. de Jonge, "The sons of Jacob: the twelve patriarchs in sixteenth-century Netherlandish prints and popular literature," Simiolus, vol. 15 (1985), no. 3, p. 195.])
(Kunsthandlung Helmut H. Rumbler, Frankfurt am Main); purchased 2005 by NGA.
- 1949
- Hollstein, F.W.H. et al. Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts, ca. 1450-1700. 72 vols. Amsterdam, 1980: XXI (Johannes Sadeler I), no. 67, ii/ii.
- 1993
- The New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts, 1450-1700. (Crispijn van den Broeck, Ursula Mielke, author). Ouderkerk aan den Ijssel: Sound & Vision Publishers, 2011: Part I, no. 55, ii/ii.
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