upper center: NAPHTHALI; lower right in plate: .10.; in margin below image, in plate: Neptalin ex multis seruatus saepe periclis, / Corniger infestus cervus ut a canibus. / Nostra tribus tetaq[ue] fuit saepissime bello, / Sed bonitate dei mox liberata fuit. (Nephthali has often been saved from many dangers, like an antlered stag, imperiled, evaded the hounds. Many times was our tribe tested in war, but was soon freed by God's goodness. [translation from Veldman, Ilja M., and H. J. de Jonge, "The sons of Jacob: the twelve patriarchs in sixteenth-century Netherlandish prints and popular literature," Simiolus, vol. 15 (1985), no. 3, p. 196.])
(Kunsthandlung Helmut H. Rumbler, Frankfurt am Main); purchased 2005 by NGA.
- 1949
- Hollstein, F.W.H. et al. Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts, ca. 1450-1700. 72 vols. Amsterdam, 1980: XXI (Johannes Sadeler I), no. 70, ii/ii.
- 1993
- The New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts, 1450-1700. (Crispijn van den Broeck, Ursula Mielke, author). Ouderkerk aan den Ijssel: Sound & Vision Publishers, 2011: Part I, no. 58, ii/ii.
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