around upper field: SENATVS POP[U]L[U]S[QUE] (the senate and the people); on shield among arms in exergue: M[odernus] (Moderno)
Oscar Hainauer [d. 1894], Berlin; his wife, Julie Hainauer, Berlin; acquired 1906 by (Duveen Brothers, Inc., London and New York); by exchange 21 October 1920 to Joseph E. Widener, Lynnewood Hall, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania; gift 1942 to NGA.
- 1908
- A Cabinet of One Hundred & Thirty-Three Bronze Plaques and Medals of the Renaissance Period from the Collection of the Late Herr Oscar Hainauer of Berlin. Ed. Duveen Brothers. London, n.d. (but 1908): no. 66, repro.
- 2008
- Trevisani, Filippo and Davide Gasparotto, eds. Bonacolsi, l'Antico: uno scultore nella Mantova di Andrea Mantegna e di Isabella d'Este. Exh. cat. Palazzo Ducale, Mantua. Milan, 2008: 282, VIII.8.
- 2014
- Warren, Jeremy. Medieval and Renaissance Sculpture. A Catalogue of the Collection in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Oxford, 2014: 3:871.
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