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Giovanni Noati, after Cristoforo Rangoni, called Ficarelli
Not on View
Francesco Raulino, _Pompa dell'esequie celebrate al serenissimo Odoardo duca di Piacenza, di Parma... dal serenissimo duca Ranuccio II..._
sheet: 52.7 × 39 cm (20 3/4 × 15 3/8 in.) trimmed within plate mark
Gift of Vincent Buonanno
Giovanni Noati (artist) Italian, 1600 - 1699
Cristoforo Rangoni, called Ficarelli (artist after) Italian, 1600 - 1699
Giovanni Antonio Ardizzone (publisher) Italian, active 17th century
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Vincent Buonanno, Providence, RI; gift to National Gallery of Art, 2023