Printed with black lines against oatmeal-white paper, two nude women lie near four imaginary, nightmarish creatures on a rocky riverbank in this horizontal engraving. Stone buildings of the town across the water beyond them are on fire, and the sky is filled with dark clouds. Closest to us, in the lower left corner of the composition, the two pale women lie, one in front of the other, nearly parallel to the bottom edge of the paper. Their heads are near the left edge and their feet reach halfway across the composition. The woman closer to us has her back to us, and her head is tipped back so we see her profile. The other woman’s body faces us. They both have long curly hair, and their eyes are closed. Their arms rest down the length of their bodies. Cloth is draped under their bodies and around the lower legs of the woman whose body faces us. Their torsos are propped up on rocky outcroppings, which rise behind the pair and echo the curving form of their bodies. The four fantasy creatures cluster on a flat area near the water, in the lower right corner. Each is made up of body parts from different animals. One to our left in that group has a sheep’s face, a body shaped like a caterpillar, seven insect-like legs, rounded fins or wings, and a cluster of stingers at the tail. Drool or something else drips from its mouth. At first glance, a creature on the lower right resembles a conch shell, but the opening is like bat’s head with oversized ears, and a protruding lower lip to make the shell’s opening. It rests on clawed feet. Closest to the water, a critter has a lizard’s head, which is folded back with gaping mouth open, over a slug-like body, and two paws with long claws. The final creature is hard to make sense of. It has a long neck, like a reading lamp, ending in a bird-like head. Its body looks like a second goat-like face, and the almond-shaped tail seems to come from the goat’s mouth. It stands on two clawed feet. A stone building rises up the left edge of the composition, behind the women. A band of water separates this bank from the town beyond, the buildings of which come to the water’s edge. To our right, rectangular and arched doorways and windows are backlit by flames, and smoke pours out of the upper stories. People shown as dark or light silhouettes clamber up stairs and carry others. In a nearby boat on the water, a person uses a pole to propel the vessel and the five smaller people, probably children, it holds. More people are in a longer boat farther back from us, in front of a complex of buildings with shallow rooflines or crenellations. A three-rayed flash emanates from a rocky hill between this complex and the burning building to our right.