on last page, across center printed: Le Théâtre Libre / PROGRAMME / SIMONE... / LES MARIS DE LEURS FILLES... / De la part de MM. LOUIS de GRAMONT et PIERRE WOLFF / Paris --Imp. A. Lanier et ses Fils, 14, rue Séguier.
Rodolphe Darzens, Paris; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Atlas, Washington, D.C.; gift to NGA, 1995.
Exhibition History
- 1998
- Artists and the Avant-Garde Theater in Paris, 1887-1900, National Gallery of Art, Washington; National Academy Museum, New York, 1998-1999, as Simone by Louis de Gramont; Les Maris de leurs filles (Their Daughters' Husbands) by Pierre Wolff by....
- 1998
- Boyer, Patricia. Artists and the Avant-Garde Theater in Paris 1887-1900. Exh. cat. National Gallery of Art, Washington; National Academy Museum, New York, 1998-1999, no. 28.
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