The Easter Story in Art
David Gariff, senior lecturer, National Gallery of Art.
There are many works in the National Gallery of Art which have been inspired by the glorious story of Easter. Paintings and sculptures from the Gallery’s extensive and rich permanent collection illustrate and speak to the significance of this timeless and moving story for artists and their audiences throughout history. On March 18, 2019, senior lecturer David Gariff explores both the spiritual nature of the Easter story through excerpts from the King James Version of the Bible, apocryphal writings, and later interpretations by saints, along with its related visual representations by some of the world’s greatest artists. Prominent paintings and prints by Matthias Grünewald, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Albrecht Dürer, El Greco, Tintoretto, Perugino, and Benvenuto di Giovanni, along with sculptures by Giovanni della Robbia, Pietro Tacca, Alessandro Algardi, and François Duquesnoy are featured in this commemoration of the Easter holiday.