A Closer Look at Artists’ Practices and Techniques
Daphne Barbour, senior conservator, department of object conservation, National Gallery of Art; Jay Krueger, head of painting conservation, department of painting conservation, National Gallery of Art; Molly Donovan, associate curator of modern and contemporary art, National Gallery of Art; and Dylan Smith, Robert H. Smith Research Conservator, National Gallery of Art. FACTURE: Conservation · Science · Art History is a biennial journal published by the conservation division to celebrate the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Art. Named for "the manner in which things are made," FACTURE explores themes in the materiality and history of art, addressing all aspects of the discipline from conservation treatment and history to technical art history to fundamental scientific research. Volume 2: Art in Context presents great works of art in new contexts. Examining the art of two very different eras—the Italian Renaissance and the 20th century—the essays in this volume share a common approach. Essays start with meticulous material and analytical study of works of art, then place the findings in a broader historic context, providing new perspectives on well-known works. In this lecture held on March 13, 2016, to celebrate publication of the second volume, FACTURE contributors share their latest research on topics ranging from Riccio’s early 16th-century bronze relief The Entombment to 20th-century sculptor Auguste Rodin’s works cast during his lifetime, under his supervision, to Andy Warhol’s early choices of paint medium as he transitioned from work as a commercial artist to pop art.