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A collection of geometric shapes, many painted a single color, are arranged on a background painted to look like wood grain in this abstract vertical composition. A silvery gray, upside down, wide L shape fills most of the upper half to our right of center. On it, a rose-pink square is attached to an ivory-white rectangle suggestive of a handle, and a black triangle with a similar handle sits on the L form to our left. A rectangular piece of corrugated silver metal is tucked into the corner of the L shape. A black circle, a white conical form, and a curving, sage-green piece create a row from right to left down into the lower left corner of the composition.

Ivan Puni, Suprematist Construction Montage, 1915/1916, painted wood, metal and cardboard, Andrew W. Mellon Fund, 1976.70.1

Winter Solstice Shadow Drawings

Virtual Artful Conversations

Virtual Artful Conversations

  • Sunday, December 12, 2021
  • 10:00 a.m.
  • Virtual
  • Registration Required

As the days get shorter, celebrate the winter solstice with us and let your imagination grow. Join museum educator Dena Rapoport and DC Public Schools educator Georgina Ardalan as they guide you and your child through an artful conversation. During this interactive session everyday objects are transformed into extraordinary works of shadow art. The following materials are all you need to participate:

  • Paper (any kind, any size, up to 5 pieces)
  • Pencil
  • Coloring materials (colored pencils or crayons)
  • Flashlight
  • Cup (empty, about 8 ounces)
  • Binder clips (large) or clothespins
  • Everyday objects found in your home (choose 2–4, such as fruits and vegetables, kitchen utensils, aluminum foil, candy wrappers or potato chip bags, containers of liquid colored soap, hairbrushes or combs, small plants)

Registration is required for this free program. Adults must attend the session alongside children. This activity is offered three times; please choose one of the following sessions.