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This horizontal photograph shows the twisting branches of a shiny silver tree, the sculpture rising high above the treetops of the living trees behind it. The trunk breaks into two sets of branches about a fifth of the way up the height of the sculpture. The branches to our left in this photograph curve and wind up and out while the branches to our right flare up in straighter lines. Diffused sunlight on the overcast day glints off the metal, creating bright white highlights against steel-gray shadows. The sculpture sits on a patch of grass with bushes and trees behind it.

Roxy Paine, Graft, 2008-2009, stainless steel and concrete, Gift of Victoria and Roger Sant, 2009.109.1

Canceled—The Sculpture Garden

(weather permitting)

Daily Tours

  • Friday, May 8, 2020
  • 12:30 p.m. – 1:20 p.m.
  • Sculpture Garden
  • In-person

Look closely and discover important works of post-1945 sculpture in a beautifully landscaped outdoor setting. This tour includes a recently installed mosaic by Marc Chagall, as well as powerful and playful works by artists such as Louise Bourgeois, Roy Lichtenstein, Sol LeWitt, Roxy Paine, and David Smith.

Friday at 12:30 p.m.
Saturday at 1:30 p.m.