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Shown from the knees up, a woman with brown, wrinkled skin, wearing a white blouse, apron, and black skirt is shown in front of a pale gray background in this vertical portrait painting. Straight-backed, she faces and looks at us with her hands resting in her lap. Her wavy, iron-gray hair is parted in the center and pulled back from her face. Her eyebrows are slightly raised, and her face is deeply lined down her cheeks and around her mouth. She wears a heart-shaped brooch with a red stone at its center at her neck and a gold band on her left ring finger. The light coming from our left casts a shadow against the wall to our right. The artist signed and dated the painting in the lower right corner: “A.J. MOTLEY. JR. 1922.”

Archibald John Motley Jr., Portrait of My Grandmother, 1922, oil on canvas, Patrons' Permanent Fund, Avalon Fund, and Motley Fund, 2018.2.1

Flash Fiction: The Art of Change

Virtual Studio

Virtual Studio

  • Friday, July 23, 2021
  • 2:30 p.m.
  • Virtual
  • Registration Required

Guided by local author and teacher Tara Campbell

Explore the theme of change in connection to an early painting by Archibald John Motley Jr. and translate your reflections into flash fiction: a complete, satisfying story in 1,000 words or less.

For more information, contact [email protected].