Lettered UR, in a tablet: "IO AN.BX" and alond the right margin: "DIVO HERCVLI INVICTO"
Exhibition History
- 2018
- Sharing Images: Renaissance Prints into Maiolica and Bronze, cat. by Jamie Gabbarelli, NGA, 2018, no.
- 1938
- Hind, Arthur M. Early Italian Engraving; a critical catalogue with complete reproductions of all the prints described. 7 vols. London: Bernard Quaritch Ltd., 1938-1948.
- 1973
- Levenson, Jay A. et al. Early Italian Engravings from the National Gallery of Art . Washington, 1973, no.88.
- 1992
- Boorsch, Suzanne, et al. Andrea Mantegna. London and Milan, 1992, no. 87, state ii/ii.
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