Modern Sculpture

Pablo Picasso, Spanish, 1881 - 1973, Head of a Woman (Fernande), model 1909, cast before 1932, bronze, Patrons' Permanent Fund and Gift of Mitchell P. Rales © 2012 Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York 2002.1.1

Raymond Duchamp-Villon, French, 1876 - 1918, Torso of a Young Man, 1910, bronze, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund 1971.66.12

Amedeo Modigliani, Italian, 1884 - 1920, Head of a Woman, 1910/1911, limestone, Chester Dale Collection 1963.10.241

Wilhelm Lehmbruck, German, 1881 - 1919, Seated Youth, 1917, composite tinted plaster, Andrew W. Mellon Fund 1974.49.1

Constantin Brancusi, Romanian, 1876 - 1957, Bird in Space, 1925, marble, stone, and wood, Gift of Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer © 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris 1967.13.3

Alexander Calder, American, 1898 - 1976, Vertical Constellation with Bomb, 1943, painted steel wire, painted wood, and wood, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Klaus G. Perls © 2000 Estate of Alexander Calder / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York 1996.120.8

Louise Bourgeois, American, born France, 1911 - 2010, Spring, 1949, painted balsa, Gift of the Collectors Committee 1992.102.3

Alberto Giacometti, Swiss, 1901 - 1966, The Chariot, 1950, bronze, Gift of Enid A. Haupt © 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris 1977.47.2

Anne Truitt, American, 1921 - 2004, Knight's Heritage, 1963, acrylic on wood, Gift of the Collectors Committee 2011.19.1

Eva Hesse, American, born Germany, 1936 - 1970, Test Piece for "Contingent", 1969, latex over cheesecloth, Gift of the Collectors Committee 1996.116.1

Rachel Whiteread, British, born 1963, Ghost, 1990, plaster on steel frame, Gift of The Glenstone Foundation 2004.121.1

Roxy Paine, American, born 1966, Graft, 2008-2009, stainless steel and concrete, Gift of Victoria and Roger Sant 2009.109.1