The Solemnity of Shadows: Juan Laurent’s Vision of Spain
Honoring Juan Laurent on His 200th Birthday
This feature presents the photographs from the exhibition held in the East Building Study Center in 2011 (slides 1–29), plus additional selections from the more than 660 photographs by Juan Laurent or his successors that are in the department of image collections. Unless otherwise indicated, all images are by Juan Laurent and are albumen silver prints made from collodion glass negatives; dates are those of the collodion negatives. For the full records of the photographs, click the highlighted links in the captions of the images in the slide show.

Entrance to Toledo by way of the Alcántara Bridge, c. 1864–1870

The Roman Aqueduct, Segovia, c. 1856–1867

Lower part of the facade of the Monastery of San Pablo, Valladolid, c. 1875

The University, Valladolid, c. 1865

General view of the Cathedral from the Alcázar, Seville, c. 1866

El Giraldillo, Seville, c. 1866

View of the Royal Monastery of El Escorial from the reservoir, c. 1876

The Sacristy of the Royal Monastery of Saint Lawrence of El Escorial, c. 1867

North Station, Barcelona (Zaragoza to Pamplona and Barcelona Railway), c. 1864–1867

Tower of Rapsamblanc of Mr. Conde de Luna, Elche, Alicante, 1870

Rear or niche of the gallery leading to the Hall of the Ambassadors, Alhambra, Granada, 1871

Interior of the gallery and west pavilion of the Court of the Lions, Alhambra, Granada, 1871

Mullioned windows of the Hall of the Two Sisters, Alhambra, Granada, c. 1874

Vertumnus as a Fisherman, c. 1879

J. Lacoste, Emperor Charles V at Mühlberg by Titian, albumen silver print from gelatin dry plate negative, 1900–1915

Helmet with gorget of Philip III, made in Pamplona, 1863–1868

Arab vase of the Alhambra, Granada, 1872–1878

The Harvesters, Córdoba, before 1871

Young girl with a guitar, Córdoba, before 1871

Saint Mary City Gate, Burgos, c. 1863

The Gate of Pardon, Seville, c. 1866

Interior of the Great Mosque or Cathedral, Córdoba, c. 1866–1867

Interior of the Mihrab or Sanctuary of the Great Mosque, Córdoba, c. 1896

Cibeles Fountain, Madrid, c. 1875, collodion glass negative by the Soule (later Gramstorff) Art Publishing Company, Boston, 1880s

Cibeles Fountain, Madrid, c. 1875, uncropped positive view of collodion negative (28), modern inkjet print from digital scan

Panorama of Toledo from the Virgen del Valle, c. 1872, album foldout printed from six
collodion glass negatives

Panorama of Toledo from the Virgen del Valle, c. 1872, first section of the album foldout

Panorama of Toledo from the Virgen del Valle, c. 1872, second section of the album foldout

Panorama of Toledo from the Virgen del Valle, c. 1872, third section of the album foldout

Panorama of Toledo from the Virgen del Valle, c. 1872, fourth section of the album foldout

Main staircase of the Alcázar, Toledo, 1872–1879

Anonymous photographer, Partial panoramic view, Toledo, 1950s or 1960s, postcard published by Heliotipia Artística Española, Madrid (Irwin Hurwitz Rare Postcard Collection)

The Puerta del Sol, Toledo, 1866–1886

The main facade of the Cathedral, Toledo, 1867–1872

Puerta de los Leones of the Cathedral, 1867–1872

The Palace of Samuel Levi, Toledo, 1867–1872

Exterior of the Audiencia, Barcelona, 1860–1886

Staircase of a private home on Montcada Street, Barcelona, 1860–1886

The shoemakers’ guild house, Barcelona, 1860–1886

The Lonja, Zaragoza, 1860–1886

The Arch of Barà, Tarragona, 1866–1867

Casa del Cordón, Burgos, 1860–1886

The Sarmental Entrance of the Cathedral, 1856–1867

Detail of the courtyard of San Gregorio, Valladolid, 1860–1879

City hall, Valladolid, 1860–1879

Alcázar, courtyard of the Doncellas, entrance to the hall of Charles V, Sevilla, c. 1872

Interior of the Provincial Museum, Burgos, 1860–1886

Palace of El Escorial. The See-saw, 1860–1886, tapestry designed by Francisco Goya

Palace of El Escorial, Promenade in Andalusia, 1860–1886, tapestry designed by Francisco Goya

Museo Nacional del Prado, Vision of Saint Francis in the Porciúncula Chapel, 1860–1886, painting by Bartolomé Murillo

Monastery of Las Huelgas, Burgos, Banner taken by Alphonse VIII at the Battle of las Navas in 1212, 1860–1886

Museo Nacional del Prado, Onyx cup with a gold mermaid, c. 1879, from the Treasure of the Dauphin

Museo Nacional del Prado, Rock crystal jar with little boys and a serpent handle, c. 1879, from the Treasure of the Dauphin

Museo Nacional del Prado, Rock crystal ewer with a bird-head spout, c. 1879, from the Treasure of the Dauphin

Bohemians or gypsies, Granada (d’après nature), before 1871

Natives of Quero, Toledo, 1878
Click on a slide above to view a larger image and detailed description (63 images total)