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Alfred Stieglitz and His Circle

Louis Lozowick, Untitled (Machine Ornament), c. 1923, pen and black ink on wove paper, Ruth and Jacob Kainen Memorial Acquisition Fund, 2014.89.1
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Arthur Dove, #4 Creek, c. 1923, charcoal and graphite on wove paper, Corcoran Collection (Museum Purchase), 2014.136.206
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Edward Weston, Shell 1, 1927, gelatin silver print, Gift of Agnes S. Wolf, 2013.27.1
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Marsden Hartley, Berlin Symbols #6, 1914-1915, compressed charcoal on laid paper mounted to paperboard, Corcoran Collection (Museum Purchase), 2014.136.205
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Alfred Stieglitz, Georgia O'Keeffe—Hands, 1919, palladium print, Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1980.70.47
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Georgia O'Keeffe, No. 2-Special, 1915, charcoal on Fabriano laid paper, Alfred Stieglitz Collection, Gift of The Georgia O'Keeffe Foundation, 1992.89.4
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Charles Sheeler, Doylestown House--Stairwell, 1917, gelatin silver print, New Century Fund, 1998.19.2
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Charles Sheeler, Doylestown House--The Stove, 1917, gelatin silver print, Pepita Milmore Memorial Fund, 1998.19.3
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John Marin, Woolworth Building, No. 32 [recto], 1913, watercolor over graphite, Gift of Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer, 1967.13.11.a
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Alfred Stieglitz, From the Back-Window—291, 1915, platinum print, Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1949.3.372
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John Marin, Woolworth Building, No. 31, 1912, watercolor over graphite, Gift of Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer, 1967.13.9
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Alfred Stieglitz, The City of Ambitions, 1910, printed in or before 1913, photogravure on beige thin slightly textured laid Japanese paper, Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1949.3.308
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Georgia O'Keeffe, Blue Hill No. 1, 1916, watercolor on wove paper, Gift of Joan and Lucio Noto and The Georgia O'Keeffe Foundation, 2002.11.1
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Alfred Stieglitz, Music—A Sequence of Ten Cloud Photographs, No. V, 1922, gelatin silver print, Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1949.3.833
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Alfred Stieglitz, Music—A Sequence of Ten Cloud Photographs, No. VIII, 1922, gelatin silver print, Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 1949.3.836
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Paul Strand, Lathe, Akeley Camera Shop, New York, 1923, gelatin silver print, Southwestern Bell Corporation Paul Strand Collection, 1991.216.8
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Alvin Langdon Coburn, Vortograph, 1917, gelatin silver print, Patrons' Permanent Fund, 2003.120.1
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